Side Story 1: A Third Time and The War Correspondent.

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Authors Note: This chapter focuses mostly on the United States in Post-America. Also the capital of the US is in New York City in this timeline.

September 25th, 2066. Washington D.C, United States of America.

A soldier belonging to the US army puts a finger on the pin of a M67 grenade as he watches if any troops belonging to the insurrectionists, or 'New United States of America' as they call themselves, are in his grenade throwing range. If any are there at all. A small piece of rubble then falls, making an almost inaudible 'clack' sound. However this slightly startles the soldier and he looks up without pulling the pin. "Ah figures. I guess that's the consequences of hiding under rubble caused by artillery." He said silently.

The rising sun gleams on the soldiers nametag revealing his name to be 'Carl B.'. The gleam then also reveals two other US army soldiers with him, one visibly being the rank of Staff Sergeant. The other? A mystery since the sun only gleamed on his equipment. Nervousness racked the minds of the three US army soldiers as there was the possibility that they would be outnumbered, however there was reports that lone squads only went in the street the soldiers were in, so they assumed they were safe. Well, assumed.

Two NUS soldiers suddenly popped out of the blue and Carl focused on the two soldiers. "What's your favorite poptart?" The first NUS soldier said. Carl, who was about to pull the pin looked at the two NUS soldiers, completely baffled. "Well obviously the strawberry one but-" The first NUS soldier interjected the second one "That's such a basic fucking, bitch answer!" Carl meanwhile decided to listen in. "Fucking throw it already!" The Staff Sergeant says as he looks to Carl, pissed while trying to keep stealth.

The second NUS soldier decides he's had enough with the bullshit of the first and faces him directly. "Alright you want a real answer Joey?", "Yes!" While the two argue Carl accidentally pulls the pin, realizing his mistake Carl throws the M67 grenade. "Oh shit!" Carl says while throwing the grenade. "Finally!" The Staff Sergeant who previously yelled at Carl says. "The 2002 tie-in merch poptarts that came out for the Spider-Man movie. There-" The second NUS soldier says before getting interjected again, not seeing the grenade roll up to him. "What the hell are you saying-"

The M67 grenade explodes, killing both NUS soldiers and turning half of their bodies to a red mist (shoutout if you know the source of the conversation the NUS soldiers were having). "...did they put C4 in a grenade?" Carl says since last time he checked, grenades aren't supposed to turn people to red mist. "Alright, lets get the hell out of here before we get spotted-" Suddenly two bullets hit the other US soldier dead in the chest that, luckily aren't in any fatal wounds but are in his ribs. "AGH! fuck!" The other US soldier says as he feels his ribs break. "Holy shit! Are you alright?" The Staff Sergeant says.

"Other than 2 gunshot wounds and my ribs breaking, I'd say I'm doing shit." The other US soldier says as he grips onto his wound tightly. Carl rushes to him and grabs his M17 pistol with an added laser sight since his rifle broke. "I'll be taking this, thank you very much!" Carl says as he starts firing blindly at whoever shot at them. He then takes a closer look but has his head shaved by a 7.62x51 cartridge, prompting him to get back to cover. "Any of you fuckers have a mirror?" Carl asks, who is then handed a small mirror by the Staff Sergeant. However the other US soldier objects.

"You take my M17, and now my mirror-" Carl interrupts. "Its either that, or death." The other US soldier decides to stay silent and Carl points his mirror outside of cover. And after some corrections, he sees something that makes his heart drop. "What do you see?" The Staff Sergeant says as he uses basic first aid on the US soldier. "Pack your shit! They've stolen an M1A3 Abrams!", "THEY FUCKING WHAT!?" The floor of the pseudo-building suddenly rumble as the M1A3 tank approaches their location.

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