chapter 11: writing budget ran out (april fools special)

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authers note: she took the house and kids.

cslufornia empere, los santos

it was nice day in califilifornia where president of california emere sat at his official desk

some messenger idk: mr predident patoaludia doing it sgain !!!

connor: oml can i not get a break ffs whsf did they do this time

some messenger: they invade fenn!!!

connor: who

some messenger: parp-

connor : who tf cares

some messenger: ...

connor: ..

some messenger: midwest?

connor: nuke em

some messenger: sir that is ilegal

connor: idc nuke em with 2000000000000 nukes

some messenger : k

parp empere, ester- i cant fucking do this anymore

it was also nice day in parp emperue in 1st foreign office, aka where big hater of ameica resides however she will soon realize mistak becausr merica number!!!!!1!1

bitch: how is invasion of fen

elto: good 

rem: epic 

elto: also

suddenly 200000000000 nukes obliterate both rem and elto as parp empire is turned to dust by nukes also the rest of phlades contenent is destroyed by nukes because why not

soon after calififornia along with their allies, alaskea and the crackhead outside my local gas station go to destroy gra valyria and annerial emearspe!!!!

grae vaklas, the name of their captal city im too lazy to search it up

it was nighttime in grae valake as people were asleep except the local neets in the area who defy the curfew in effect because they're neets

grae vaka solder 1: man im bored

grad velra soldetor 2: same but at least we are in strongest natieon in world!!!1!1!

gres velkfuera seldendat 3: correct

suddenly 6969696969 tanks go into capital amnd crush three silders and also take over country in 23 milisecond destroying gres valkeras emepre

now only one left is annoria emere!!!!!

annoriale emperire, idk lol

magirel emperer: america too dsngeroues they took ovre graes velkes in 20 milsecomd all agree kill anerica?

couchil menbar 1: yes

concil membre 2: yea

council membrane 3: sure 

magicacal empr: k we kill amerca

sundenly messenger broke room door

messnger: emerer! bashpaku litan is kil

magicaca enperer: no-

with out finish sentence magicacle emprere is kill by califrnian

now america is becoming best continent in worl they definetly no forget about holy marshal emprie nor raverial emwri

murica can now return back to their world however thing go wrong and ameicia is not in their world but world with g-g-g-good writing 😨😨😨😱😱😱

end of story because ive gone bankrupt.

Also. April fools, this entire segment is a joke.

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