Chapter 20: The Great Eastern Nations - The Demon Lord

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December 1st, 1639 (2066). Qua-Toyne, Qua-Toyne Principality.

As several weeds blew peacefully and undisturbed in the wind, a blaring horn was heard as a steam locomotive with five passenger cars practically flew by the weeds and threw them towards the stone base of the very tracks the train ran on. 

From the second passenger cart, a young man opens a window on the right side and puts his head out, his hair blowing in the wind. "Looks like we're finally back in Qua-Toyne!" The young passenger said as he looked ahead and saw the capital of the Qua-Tonyian Principality from far away, the city of Qua-Toyne, not to be mixed up with the previous. "Yagou! Put your head back in, you'll get hit by a light post! Like those Post-American movies." An older man said as the passenger, identified as Yagou, put himself back in the cart.

"Right, right. Sorry Hanki." Yagou said as the older man sighed, now identified as Hanki. "Still though, its relaxing to finally come back from governmental work in Maihark and go home to the city we once knew huh?" Yagou then said as Hanki agreed with him. "Yes, though it might be a little different due to the 'modernization' that the Post-Americans wanted our capital to undergo." Hanki then said.

"Yeah, I still remember your surprise when the Post-Americans gave you a two week notice about your property being turned into an apartment building, it was like you saw the Ancient Magicalreich show up." Yagou said as Hanki cringed at the very memory of the event, clearly having a distaste to it. 

"I and my ancestors worked my ass off for land! You declined too right?" Hanki responded as he had expected much of his co-worker, however he would be disappointed. "Not the same from me. The Post-Americans apparently found that a part of my land would be perfect for some kind of skyscraper, like one of the Twin Towers in the city of New York. And besides, my house is probably in a state of disrepair right about now." Yagou said as Hanki expressed surprise while Yagou was speaking.

"So you have nowhere to live now?" Hanki asked. Yagou then reached for his briefcase that he packed with him and opened it, putting his hand in. "Well no actually. They gave me a room key to a hotel in advance if the skyscraper wasn't built by then." Yagou said as he then brought out a paper packet containing an old looking key, a string attached to it and a piece of paper, the number 512 on it. "...I see then." Hanki then said as he backed off of complaining about Yagou's decision. 

Yagou then looked back outside and saw that he was getting closer to the capital as his train was nearing the walls. "All passengers, prepare to disembark at the Central Terminal." A sudden voice from an intercom said as it surprised Yagou and made him turn his head immediately. He still couldn't get used to the loudspeakers, after all, it was one of the more advanced technologies Post-America provided. 

The future shock went crazy on Rodenius, though it wasn't as bad as the people who were still living in California, they wont be surprised when they figure out that the scientific department was and is practically on crack in Post-America's timeline.

After a few moments, the carriage then went dark for mere seconds as it went through the now obsolete walls of the city of Qua-Toyne, rendered useless due to the advent of gunpowder and its smokeless counterpart. Past the obsolete walls, both Yagou and Hanki saw a combination of considerably less maintained medieval and post modern architecture. It was the slums of the city, the only thing separating the rails and the buildings being a metal fence as not even the principality Qua-Toyne is immune from corrupt officials.

The mood outside the carriage depressed both of the foreign affairs officials as they stared at the low income region with disappointment in their government's corruption, however they got over it as they realized their stance as foreign affairs. While they were viewing the slums however, a HME spy disguised as a Qua-Toynian stared at the passing train. "Report, it seems like the technological state of Rodenius has been boosted by Post-America." The spy said as he talked into his personal magicom.

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