Chapter 4: A Taste of Nuclear Based Hell and Ancient Legends

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August 16th, 2066. Jin-Hark, Louria.

The atmosphere was tense as King Hark Louria XXXIV sat on his throne. Two people faced him as he sat, those being Patagene and Maus. One being a general of the Royal Defense Knights and one being the prime minister of Louria. "What do you two have to report?" King Hark asks Patagene and Maus. "Your majesty, its about the fleet we sent to try and catch the Qua-Toynians and Quilans."

King Hark lightens up, assuming the best. "Ah! So Admiral Sharkun finally caught those dastardly demi-humans? I will have to give him an award later for his success if he has." Patagene and Maus cringe however as it had been the opposite of what King Hark expected. 'Oh crap.' They both thought to themselves as they recalled the report detailing Sharkuns surrender and the obliteration of the eastern conquest fleet.

"Your majesty... all of the ships sent to try and catch the Qua-Toynians and Quilans have been reported missing or sunk. Only 12 sailors escaped the demi-humans on two small boats and were properly able to write a report, the rest presumably were taken as slaves or killed. No casualties on the demi-human side either." Patagene says with the most caution he can in order to prevent his head flying off. King Hark meanwhile, was devastated by the news. It had been the dream of his family to exterminate all of the demi-humans that ever lived on Rodenius, and here it was, being foiled by the very demi-humans he wanted to exterminate.

King Hark fumed with anger as to him, the demi-humans who opposed them were quick rodents (maybe its why its called rodenius lmao), Always escaping the grasp of their demise. As such King Hark despised their existence on the Great Orient. As such the news of demi-humans destroying the entire eastern conquest fleet would have surely make King Hark angry as is. If not for what happened next.

The door to the throne room bursts open as a retainer enters. "Pardon my intrusion!" Two guards who were surprised by the sudden entry tried to grab him but King Hark stops them. "What now?" King Hark asks, semi pissed. "Your majesty! The other half of the eastern conquest fleet has been completely decimated in a instant!" A brief silence enters the room as the guards were even shocked.

"I must be having hearing problems but, Did you say that 2,000 ships were sunk without warning!?" King Hark asks. "Not only that, but several wyvern squadrons were shot down as well!", "WHAT!?" King Hark yells out in shock. Suddenly the retainer coughs up blood, in which Maus notices. "Are you alright!? Do you need a mage?" Maus asks. "I-I'm alright. Its just that there's been this toxic metal taste in my tongue ever since I left-" The retainer coughs out more blood. 'What is going on?' is the question that everybody has on their mind as the retainer slowly dies from radiation poisoning.

2 days earlier. August 14th, 2066. East of Rodenius/Former Pacific Ocean.

The 5th wyvern squadron belonging to Louria does a routine patrol near the former countries of Quila and Qua-Toyne with the remaining half of the eastern conquest fleet. As one of the wyverns flies above a warship it roars with the classic high pitched sound that the Lourian navy were used to by now. "This is 5th wyvern squadron reporting in. Nothing seems to be unusual above the skies of East Rodenius."

The wyvern squadron circles around the fleet two times as they patrol for any disturbances, however when the third circle around comes and goes, something feels off for the wyvern squadron. "Is it me or is something about to happen?" The captain of the wyvern squadron asks the rest of his comrades on a private channel in the magi-comm. "You aren't alone." A wyvern rider says back. The captain of the wyvern squadron then suddenly gets a gut feeling to leave, immediately. A premonition of certain death, but this time it was much more potent.

Suddenly a response from the magi-comm. "My wyvern is going out of control! Its leaving from the fleet!" The wyvern squadron captain was now unsettled as even the wyverns, who were 'supposedly' dumber than humans started to leave. Soon after the mass panic a black speck appeared on the canvas that was the sky, the source of all of the distress. "The hell is that?"

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