Side Story 3: The Fate of Louria

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Authors note: I apologize for how late I've been for the past weeks, I had to focus on my schoolwork since my grades were below the bare minimum.

September 26th, 2066 (1639). San Francisco, Californian Empire.

"Mister... president." The minister of intelligence said to Connor as he sat at his desk, doing the usual, egregious and heinous amounts of paperwork relating to the transference of Post-America, even though it happened well over a month ago. "GOD! I miss earth! World War 4 didn't need so much fucking paperwork to be filled out!" Connor said as he finally snapped under the pressure of the paperwork he was given and threw some behind him.

"Sir, we could just have a team of assistants help you out with this-" Connor stopped the intelligence minister in his tracks as he put his hand up towards him. "How many people do you think I have helping out?" Connor said in a passive-aggressive tone. "None?" The intelligence minister said as he gave a guess provided by the evidence provided. 

"37. Thirty-seven men and women are slaving away at the mostly unimportant paperwork, like requests to open businesses alongside the eastern coast of Sonora. All of this is important work that is supposed to be sent to the president, like economic resuscitation. You can even take a look." Connor said as he sounded like he was about to go insane from the sheer amount of paperwork. Nervously, the minister of intelligence grabbed two pieces of the piled paperwork Connor had to complete.

The first piece of paperwork being the 6th request for a loan by the Great Lakes Republic for a loan of 500 billion USD because their entire identity and the fuel for 11% of their entire industry disappeared overnight, that being the Great Lakes themselves. The second piece of paperwork being a request from the ministry of war to intervene in a Georgian coup d'état that removed the leader in place with another one that promised to make a second confederate union.

"See that? I'm going insane over those requests!" Connor said as he put both of his hands on his face. After he did however he leaned back on his chair and let his hands off his face. "So what is it minister? This better be important." Connor said as he finally returned to a sane state of mind. "Well sir. Ronan Itsuka, the minister of foreign affairs is suspected of formerly supporting the 5th Reich as well as plotting to overthrow your rule." The intelligence minister said.

Upon the hearing of the words '5th Reich', Connor immediately rose from his chair with a disturbed expression. "No way. The same people that specifically nuked New Canteria and took over Europe?" Connor said as it was the 5th Reich that had started the previous world war, though it reaped all of the consequences from it because it targeted a nuke at the one superpower that went above and beyond. "Yes sir." The intelligence minister said as he finally had some progress on what he was about to say.

"So what's with the holdup? Why hasn't he been raided by New Canter-, no. Californian marines yet?" Connor asked as back on earth, people who supported the 5th Reich wouldn't have even gotten into a position of power and would have been brutally murdered by New Canterian special forces the moment they got off the lot. If they weren't already arrested.

"Well, we are having a hard time gathering evidence against him. However a major opportunity is presenting itself as he will be heading to Louria for negotiations with the anti-Hark coalition, so during that time we can investigate his offices." The intelligence minister said. "Well good, hopefully this shit wont turn into an internal Mecklenburg-Vorpommern." Connor said as he referred to a mass genocide in New Canterian German territory that was definitely not started by the local garrison out of hatred, definitely.

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