Chapter 1: Leaving Qua-Toyne and A Complete Ceasefire

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Authors Note: Minor mistake on the map above. Its Parpaldian not Parpadilian.

?? ??, ????. Maihark. Qua-Toyne.

"AAGH!" A sailor yells as he is hit in the chest by an arrow fired from a ship. "DON'T LET THEM GET TO MAIHARK! FIGHT WITH YOUR LAST BREATH!" A man says as he points a sword towards a fleet numbering around 4,000. His name is Midori (isn't that a female name?) and he is the captain of the warship Pima, which in extension, was part of the 2nd naval fleet of Qua-Toyne. Several arrow's pierce the deck of the Pima and one lands directly on the head of a sailor, killing him instantly.

A few days ago the human supremacist nation of Louria declared war on a nation of demi-humans named the Qua-Toyne Principality and was funded by the Parpaldian Empire. In response to the declaration of war and the conquest of Gim and Ejei, Qua-Toyne decided to utilize the technology used by the Sun Gods Emissaries out of desperation, resulting in them gaining the knowledge for early gunpowder weapons. This however, wouldn't be enough to stop the Lourian advance. It seemed like Qua-Toyne alongside it s ally, Quilia was doomed as the fight for Maihark was commencing.

A crew member ran to Midori. "Captain! We just got an order to retreat by Maihark Port!" Midori stared at the crew member with anger. "For what!? We have made a oath to protect this country till our last breaths!" The crew member read the report given to him. "Sir! We were assigned to protect the civilians going out of the country at another port. Maihark has been completely evacuated and the entire city has become a ghost town! They want us to get out of the encirclement so that we don't die as there is no point in defending Maihark anymore!"

Midori gritted his teeth. "RETREAT!" He yelled as he was being fired upon by another set of Lourian arrows, this time more accurate as it hit 6 more crew members, with one hitting Midori himself. Luckily they weren't poisoned. All of the surviving ships of the 2nd naval fleet quickly utilize 

August 8th, 2066. San Francisco. Californian Empire.

The president of the Californian Empire, Connor Roosevelt, sits as he waits for a few ministers to arrive. The ministers of economics, intelligence, agriculture, diplomatic affairs and war. The door opens to the presidents office and said ministers enter the office, much to their dismay as they were in the middle of managing the situation in their respective departments only to be called to the presidents aid.

"Alright gentlemen. I have gathered you here today to discuss the current situation of our nation and what to do for the secure future of it. Yesterday a bright light encompassed our nation alongside its neighbors that took out all communication systems temporarily and caused a shockwave that may have damaged property. This shockwave, as mentioned in my previous statement, has taken down any aircraft forcefully and disabled GPS systems all across the country as well as killing or severely injuring several civilians. All trade has been completely disrupted in the Pacific and Atlantic, however we can barely hold on for a year with storage of food, oil and materials with rationing. What are your opinions in this matter?" Connor asks all of the people he assembled, in which the war minister goes up to the desk.

"Well sir, I believe this is the work of a mass scale usage of EMPs and sound bombs followed by a mass shutdown of satellite systems all across American space, both north and south. Presumably initiated by AIPO." The war minister suggests, in which Connor declines. "Well that wouldn't explain the mass shutdown of Alaskan satellites as well. They are a neutral country in this war and belong to the PCI, not ASDA or AIPO, yet they are also reporting satellite shutdowns. In fact we are the only country they have contacted so far, Canada nor New Canteria gave a reply to them." The diplomatic affairs minister, a person who hasn't had to do a single thing but talk to the New Canterians since 2065, went up.

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