Chapter 12: Sabotage

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October 15th, 1639 (2066). Runepolis, Holy Milishial Empire.

Runepolis. The capital of the Holy Milishial Empire.

Often referred to as the 'Sleepless Magical City', the city is commonly cited as the pinnacle of magical development in the New World as it is prosperous due to its nature of being at the center of the worlds greatest superpower, at least to themselves. 

As of now the government hasn't figured about the existence of Post-America since they were passed off as barbaric countries and their reports usually thrown away on arrival by certain employees at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that just so happened to be associated with the now-occupied state of Louria since they were a promising nation that should've only lost in a one out of a million scenario. 

Fortunately, that was about to change as an officer of the Intelligence Bureau named Lydolka Olifant was personally delivering the now fourth set of copies about Post-America by truck, since the lack of a document about the Californian Empire while it is casually mentioned in a document about Qua-Toyne was suspicious in its own right. And the copies would've been delivered by now. However...

"God damn magical engine! Defective piece of junk always fucking breaking!" The driver of the truck said, kicking the front bumper in frustration as it was the fifth time that the magic powered automotive engine short circuited since the start of October. "Calm down Salmbar. The whole thing will be overhauled in the next week." Lydolka said, referring to the driver as he went to get a repair kit, still angry at the magic engines fault during an important time. 

"Well it better be! I cant deal with this shitty truck for any longer!" Salmbar said as he swiped a repair kit and a spare piston since they often broke, missing the crate that had the reports about Post America. Once he did he went back to the trunk and opened it, revealing a magic engine with, as expected, a busted piston. On sight, Salmbar then went to work as he grabbed a variety of tools, using all of them quickly due to him using magical power. "Impressive Mr. Salmbar, maybe we could have you as an investigator to the Ravernal Empire-"

"Nah." Salmbar simply said as he continued fixing the trucks engine as he was unwilling to deal with any 'suspicious offers', as that how he interpreted the Antiquities Department of Ancient Arms Analysis Tactical Operations, that being a heavily suspicious group. Right after he finished with engine repairs, he then put all of the tools back into his repair kit and went back into the drivers seat of the truck, with Lydolka following suit by getting into the passengers seat. However while he did he grabbed a paper copy about the Californian Empire that he kept in his outfit just in case the Louria supporters ever got to the crate.

"You kept one of those reports?" Lydolka heard as Salmbar peeked over to see the copy. "Its been the third time copies like this have been seen and destroyed by unknown individuals before it could get to parliament, the council as you call it." Lydolka said as he decided to take a look at the report himself. "Cool. What's it say?" Salmbar said as he tested the engine, it whirring to life for around the next 3 days. 

"I cant tell you, its for foreign affairs only. And besides, you're driving." Lydolka said as he read the report, only to be met with the most out of the ordinary, utterly ridiculous, and unbelievable report imaginable to him. 'The Californian Empire... I'll request home to investigate them instead of Cartalpus because this shit is unbelievable! Who is this? The Ancient Sorcerous Empire?' Lydolka thought as he saw the eye-witness reports about the Californian Empires technology, talking about metallic wyverns that spit out Ravernal-level magical light beams at an impossibly fast pace and explosion magic (F22 jets).

'...oh, on the contrary!' Lydolka then thought as he saw that several nations such as Quila or Sios then added that the Californian Empire and their allies were possibly the descendants of the Ravernal Empire, putting them alongside the Annonrials who also claimed to be the descendants of the Ravernal Empire themselves. Lydolka then sighed as he put back the egregious report back into his clothing. 'Welp. I now see why these reports are just shredded up.' He thinks to himself, not knowing that the reports he had just saw were completely serious.

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