Chapter 18: 500 Mile Island

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November 24th, 2066 (1639). Gustavus Military Port, Alaska.

As the sun rose above the cold sky of southern Alaska, a group of sailors were running laps around the naval port of Gustavus, sweating as the chilly air wasn't enough to lighten the brunt of running. Gustavus itself though was an extension of the Pleasant Island military facility, a costly last line of defense against a theoretical takeover of Juneau.

While the sailors were making it past their sixth lap however, they sighted a grey and black object slightly passing the nearby and mainly uninhabited Lemesurier Island. 'Hell's that?' A sailor then thought as he slightly glanced towards the object as he also kept an eye on where he was running. Eventually the grey and black object passed the island a third of the way through, revealing it to be a immensely large ship. It was the ANS Armageddon.

Even the sergeant in charge of the running drills temporarily stopped the training as he saw the single barrel 150mm cannons on the Armageddon, the ship itself standing out like a sore thumb. The radio on the drill sergeants person then producing a crackling noise. "All units hold your fire, its officially designated."

Meanwhile in the interior of the port, a general transferred by the now gone PCI from Japan to Alaska a few months ago watched the busy port in a lounge, stereotypically smoking a pipe while staring at the Armageddon. The general then breathed out a puff of burnt tobacco as he placed his pipe on a nearby table, stretching his hand while doing so. "So they brought it out after 23 years. Its even fitted with the newest technology." The general then said as he crossed his arms, clearly having a sense of familiarity with the ship.

The general then watched as the ANS Armageddon went past Lemesurier Island, revealing a drastically smaller wooden ship. "Ah, I've got the feeling that this is another diplomatic mission." The general then said to himself as he had seen many ships from the outside civilization areas that had to pass through the Gustavus port in order to get to Juneau, as was regulation with smaller ships.

After the smaller wooden ship and the ANS Armageddon docked into port and its crew departed, a man walked into the room the general was in. "Mr. Sakamoto! The captain of the ANS Armageddon needs to speak with you!" The man said as the general, now known as Sakamoto, turned around to face the man. "Have him in, I'll see to it why he's so eager to see me." Sakamoto said as he then sat on a sofa that faced another one of its inanimate self. 

Eventually time passed and the captain of the ANS Armageddon waltzed in the room and sat opposite to Sakamoto. "So you wanted to see me-" The captain interrupted. "I'll get to the point, why is my ship getting scrapped?" The captain then said as he had a hint of irritation in his voice, leaving Sakamoto in surprise. 

"I'll say it again. I saw the message you sent me on email while I was escorting that wooden scrap of a ship, you said that by the next month those 150mm cannons on my ship are going to be just reusable scrap metal! Why!? We've been doing well in guarding Rodenius!" The captain then said as he had a sense of attachment to his ship during the few weeks he had been captain. "The Alaskan government is losing out on a large opportunity to turn the tides of diplomacy in their favor by simply showing off the ANS Armageddon! Why-"

"Lieutenant Bayani." Sakamoto then said, addressing the captain by his rank and first name. "You weren't aware of the Roswell Project?" Sakamoto asked as he thought that someone like Bayani would know about the project, though he didn't. "The Roswell Project? The hell are you spewing now?" Bayani asked in response.

Sakamoto sighed and then faced the captain with a serious face. "There are a few New Canterian spaceships left over after the transference of Post-America just sitting in warehouses. And since the incident where a modern fighter was shot down by magical weaponry, there has been a demand in firepower in case magic is more widespread in this world than we bother to figure out and because of the third American civil war. You should know what I'm getting at by now." Sakamoto then said as it didn't even take Bayani a few seconds.

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