Chapter 3: Battle of the Pacific

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August 11th, 2066. Former Pacific Ocean.

A wooden warship passed by a group of resting ducks, waving a blue flag with horses and swords in the middle. Louria. Ever since they had taken over Rodenius for themselves and subjugated Quila, who didn't escape all of their people completely in time, they had been the sole dominator in the entire continent. However the king of Louria wasn't satisfied with the escape of Qua-Toyne, he wanted the blood of all of the demi-humans to ever live in Rodenius. In so, he sent half of his fleet of 4,000 ships towards the east to find the Qua-Toynians.

On the other side of things a grand coalition of Californian, Alaskan, U.S, New English, G.L.R and Qua-Toynian forces were assembled, though the Qua-Toynian ships paled in comparison to the Post-American ships. There were 44 ships assembled but one stood out amongst all of the others. The ANS Armageddon, a mix between an aircraft carrier and a destroyer produced by the US navy before the dissolution of the USA and used to bombard the entire west coast. After the dissolution of the USA the ship was moved to Alaska where it wouldn't be used until WW3 to bomb Portugal and Brittany to ashes. Afterwards it was put to sleep in Alaska once more and it hasn't been used ever since, till now.

Its armaments are several 150mm cannons, several flak cannons, multiple long range anti air turrets, 6 CWIS turrets, a painful amount of aircraft and missiles, 20 non nuclear ICBMs and 7 nuclear warheads each 750 kilotons. Furthermore it has one more nuclear warhead in its storage that can essentially be turned into a cluster munition, splitting into 102 parts. Its total explosive power is 10 megatons but is only to be used in emergency situations, thus its name.

Admiral Sharkun of the Lourian navy was staring at the foggy sea in front of him, determined that he will get the prime minister alive and bring him to the king, Hark Louria XXXIV. Sharkun dreamed about being in the history books as the greatest naval leader in the Great Orient, but unfortunately life would have other plans. "Hmm? What's that, a wyvern?" An UH-60 helicopter approaches the fleet of 2,000 ships. "No its not! What the hell even is that?" The helicopter activates its loudspeakers. "THIS IS A WARNING TO ALL LOURIAN FORCES INBOUND TO THE CALIFORNIAN EMPIRE! LEAVE NOW OR YOU WILL BE FIRED UPON!"

A corvette from New England appears from the fog and accidentally rams a wooden ship due to the foggy environment hindering their sight. However Admiral Sharkun thought it was intentional. "I see then. ALL SHIPS RELEASE ARROWS!" The sky lit up with fire arrows as they aimed for the New English corvette and the UH-60, which was still present. All of the arrows that went for the corvette bounced off but a single arrow hit the helicopter, but was quickly extinguished.

"Death it is huh?" The pilot of the UH-60 said while arming all of the missiles on board. The helicopter, despite being intended to be a warning messenger, still had its weapons in case it had to use self defense. All of the missiles from the helicopter were fired and they hit several Lourian ships, sinking them. "Any ammo for the Gatling guns?" The pilot looked at the door gunner that was holding a M134. "Negative. It was taken away when we were taking off. Why they didn't take the missiles? I guess that's a mystery equal to the D.B Cooper case." The door gunner chuckled. "Guess that's right."

The New English corvette moves away from the Lourian fleet of 1,988. Preparing to let loose all hell on the fleet, however the Lourians misinterpret it as a victory. "WE DID IT!" The Lourian sailors yell out, however Sharkun simply feels dread, a premonition of certain death. The cannon of the New English corvette aims up and fires a shot, splitting a Lourian warship in half and sinking it. 

Sharkun turns around and sees the former warship turning into nothing but a drifting pile of wood and blood. "I thought that wyvern was the only one there!" Several more warships are destroyed as the cannon of the corvette is mistook as the UH-60 that fired first, not knowing it had already left for reinforcements. Eventually the cannon of the corvette stops firing and the fleet is bogged down to 1,708 ships. Sharkun grits his teeth. "Order the galley fleet to sail towards that ship! We shall switch to offensive strategy and crush them like we did the Qua-Toynians!"

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