(april fools 2) Chapter 23: Fuck Philly

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Authors Note: Just like last time, this is not a (completely) serious chapter and is not canon. Also contains instances of strong language, be warned.

January 1st, 2067 (1640). Philadelphia, United States.

In a relatively unassuming street in the south of Philadelphia, a man with a dark skin complexion walked to a stairwell beside two buildings, quickly looking to see if anyone followed him before going up. After going up the stairwell, the dark skinned man put his elbow on the doorway. "Ay, Denar." He said.

"What's good Keon?" Another lighter but still dark skinned man identified as Keon spoke, looking directly at Denar as he observed the room. In the room were two more people, a dark skinned woman who was acquainted with both Keon and Denar, and a suspicious hooded man with a fair skin complexion that looked like Palpatine clothes-wise and in malice.

Yes, as in Palpatine. From Star Wars.

Naturally seeing a young version of the well known evil character, Denar immediately became alert. "Keon, da fuck you got in here!?" Keon looked towards the woman and looked back at Denar.

"Yo ass know damn well who Tequisha is-" Before Keon could say another word he was interrupted.

"The hooded nigga! Who the fuck you bring in here!?" Denar yelled as he pointed at the younger Palpatine.

"That my plug, chill out gang." Keon said, quickly calming Denar down before he did anything drastic, like shooting the suspicious hooded person.

As Denar was about to speak again, the aforementioned hooded figure stood up. Denar prepared himself in case the hooded figure used the force, however that fortunately didn't happen at all. "Apologies for the suspiciousness of my clothing, I really can't let the police see me, else I would get arrested on the spot." The hooded figure said as he pulled down his hoodie to reveal he had white hair and blue eyes.

Disbelief crossed Denar as he saw the white haired man. "We ain't snitching. Ion know bout Denar, but you good." Keon said as the woman, Tequisha, expressed the same sentiment. Much to the dismay of Denar, however it could wait.

The white haired man cleared his throat. "My name is Ony Osipov. Former New Canterian weapons development engineer, born in Russia. I heard you make music correct?" Ony said as Denar simply nodded.

"Good. Now, as our good friend Keon said, I shall provide you with what I have came here to offer as part of the deal between my group and yours." Ony proceeded to reach for a briefcase hidden from the view of Denar and opened it, revealing only a USB stick. "An editing software with state of the art technology, extracted from the most secretive military servers in the New Canterian Republic."

Keon proceeded to take out the USB as Ony continued. "This music editing software will be able to enhance the quality and impact of the music. Making it more likely for viewers to share it... basically with this you'll be also burning the kitchen when you 'cook' as you say." Ony said, Keon listening before throwing it to Denar.

"You gon need that, you be making trash every time you walk in the studio." Keon said.

"Shut up nigga." Denar said before taking the USB anyway because it was true. Denar was infamous on SoundCloud because his music was straight ass, his music only getting under a dozen likes for each track.

As Denar proceeded to walk to the recording studio in the building, Ony proceeded to leave with his empty briefcase, taking the stairs to the building that Denar once took before entering the street. "Stupid bitches don't know what's coming for them." Ony muttered as his malice was real. A deal with the devil had been made.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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