(real) Chapter 11: Delegation

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October 14th, 2066 (1639). Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire.

The sun dawns on the sky of Parpaldia as the clock passes 16:30 and Kenny leaned towards the railings of the Californian 'White Sun', a cruise ship meant to originally bring people from the Americas to the Pacific, now a transport to bring the delegates from the Parpaldian Empire. As his open tie flew in the wind, he gave off a sad expression as he had remembered the 'discussion' he had with the first foreign affairs that was, in reality, mostly a debate with a senseless person. 

"I guess now we're gonna see that Remille bitch for ourselves now huh?" Mason said as he stood near Kenny. "Yeah, we do. Just don't call her a bitch as soon as we get on deck or her hotheaded ass will go off like a fucking burning armory." Kenny said as he was comfortable speaking in a laid back tone towards Mason, since they had been friends with each other. 

Mason chuckled at the statement as he found it humorous to him. "Never expected you to drop foul language while you're minutes from something serious. I guess the rumors are true, you people can switch in seconds like devious pricks." Mason said to which Kenny sighed at as he had a comeback to the insult he was given. "Said the man from the Californian Navy. Some of you fuckers are so dumb that you can't hold a conversation with people from other branches, not even the crayon eaters." Kenny said as the navy was statistically the least smartest branch of the Californian armed forces.

"But we aren't completely stupid no? At least some of us have loyalty unlike you people with ulterior motives." Mason then said. "Reasonable ulterior motives. Reasonable, you just follow your country blindly." Kenny said in response, in which he was met by silence. "...you don't need to worry about me though. It seems as if there are more unintelligent enemies out in this world than that president Connor. I wont be going anywhere." Kenny said as he stopped leaning off the railing.

Kenny looked downwards and saw the boat he would board to go to the docks of Esthirant, that being a passenger craft resembling a fishing boat. "What about Thomas then? The Yeti you had to work with last week." Mason asked. "He's somewhere else, conducting diplomacy with another nation. I presume its called something along the lines of Gras Valkas. Or a similar name to it." Kenny responded.

Mason turned towards the sea. "I see. If you happen to go anywhere where the strings of the puppeteer could be clearly cut though, I will shoot you. Only with orders though." Mason said as Kenny smiled in response. "Well good, as the strings attached to me by Connor might as well be hard as titanium alloy. One last thing though, birthday boy. You're officially 24 now. Now sod off, and have a good day." Kenny said, putting his hands in his pockets as he leaves.

Right after Kenny left, he went to the lower deck where two maintenance workers were working on the final adjustments to the craft, one being male and one being female. "Good work you all. I guess you two can go back to your... posts. Haven't I seen you somewhere?" Kenny suddenly stopped as he recognized the female maintenance worker from somewhere, albeit he couldn't tell. 

"Ah yeah. She's from somewhere in Louria. Although she claims to be somewhere north of it. No idea where though, probably Sios." The male maintenance worker says, however Kenny still stares at her till it clicks. "...wait a minute. Aren't you-"


On a dock of the city of Esthirant were the directors to both the third and first foreign affairs, those being Kaios and someone Kenny knew well, Remille. Ignoring some of the staff, maids and guards of both offices that were also assigned to be with them, they were the only two present as emissaries from the Parpaldian Empire. 

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