Chapter 7: Case Louria 2

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September 23rd, 2066. Outside Ejei, Occupied Qua-Toyne.

As the sun rose from the night sky the barrel of a artillery gun gleamed as it was aimed towards the fort city of Ejei. "We start firing at 6 o clock right?" A Californian soldier named Steven Rodriguez asks his commanding officer, to which he nods. He then looks at his watch to see it read 5:40, 20 minutes till the designated time. "Looks like they don't have a damn clue that we have a hell of lot in store for them." Adam says as he stares onto the distance with goggles. Meanwhile Steven slightly jumps in surprise. "So, how are you doing?" Adam asks the Californian.

"Formerly doing great, until you showed up. You jumped me harder than a white person who just said [EXPUNGED] in Detroit for fucks sake." Steven says as Adam caught him in surprise. "Don't be a wuss about it, you didn't actually get jumped." Adam said while chuckling at the humor of the situation at hand. Steven was not amused however. "So, the hell is going on here?", "We're supposed to conduct artillery strikes on that city right there." Steven says while pointing a finger towards the fort city of Ejei.

"Ah I see... then why are the guns more silent than someone seeking to shoot up a school?" Adam asks. "They said to fire at exactly 6 o clock.", "That's fucking stupid. The enemy would get our asses by then!", "Don't blame me about that! Blame the damn Californians!" Adam chuckles. "Oh but Steven. You are essentially Californian.", "Fucking hell! I shouldn't have met you in New Mexico back in 55 if I knew this was gonna happen." Steven was pissed while Adam was full blown laughing.

"Again, don't be so salty man!" Adam says. "Fuck up hater." Steven says, while salty at the situation. Adam is still laughing however and his laughs soon turn to sounds of croaking, to which Steven notices. "Dude. BREATH! Your ass sounds like a window cleaner!" Adam keeps laughing and eventually stops. "Sorry, its just that I haven't had a good laugh since like, 6 years ago probably." Steven stares at Adam with 'wide-ass' eyes that akin to the face of Andrew Tate after he was arrested. Absolute shock essentially.

"DAMN!!!" Steven yells, grabbing the attention of people in a 1 mile radius. Luckily the Californian CO is beyond a mile away. This prompts Adam to laugh again, which ticks off Steven since he was just telling him not to. "Shut your goofy laughing ass up!" Steven says, only making Adam continue laughing harder. Steven then sighs, defeated. "My god." Adam eventually stopped laughing after a few seconds, clearly holding it in which makes Steven snort and chuckle a bit.

"Hey Steven. Ever thought about what happened to the rest of the world?" Adam asks Steven as he reminiscences about the year before the summoning of Post-America. "What brought this up?" He asks as he stares, confused. "Its just that this pretty hard to believe that 11 billon people would just, vanish. Like a dad getting milk or a MC in a isekai.", "Those anime books? Yeah I read some that you recommended me. But... yes actually. After I lost contact with my family back in Northern Africa and the Mexican Union, I saw fighting for my country as the only viable option I had to keep me sane. During that time I've always tried to contact my family always hoping that they were still alive."

Steven pauses. "And to think this shit happened to the rest of the 400-500 million still alive here. Its ridiculous isn't it?" Adam sighs. "Mind bogglingly so. My sisters dead, she took a vacation in France before the whole 'destruction of humanity' thing. Well it isn't destruction, rather a survival test to me, but the streets of Massachusetts say otherwise." Adam says while also remembering the fact that the national guard of New England had to shoot their way through the anarchic streets of inner Boston just to get somewhere. 

Adam also logically assumed that other cities were like inner Boston and that the national guards of their respective countries had to also shoot their way through, and he was right. "Heh. You're right, I remember I had to bring my dads hunting rifle to even go grocery shopping in Las Vegas. Wild world it is huh?" Steven said, not realizing a group of horses was approaching. Adam however, notices. "Yeah sure... A crazy world and crazy people there are ain't it? Like the fact that a CALVALRY CHARGE IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!" Adam said while pointing to the group of horses approaching.

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