Chapter 6: Case Louria

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Authors Note: The XM8A2 is a fictional subvariant of the XM8 that uses 7.62x51mm instead of 5.56x45mm. Also in this universe the improvements on body armor doesn't phase out the effectiveness of common cartridge's to the point where they are still used, thus the XM5 having 7.62x51mm instead of 6.8x51mm.

Also here's another map, this time focusing on Post-America and up to date.

September 18th, 2066. Maihark, Occupied Qua-Toynian Territory.

As a Lourian soldier looked onto the Maihark night sky he felt tired from the constant patrolling he had to do. Ever since the attack on Eastern Rodenius the entirety of Louria had been on guard if the Qua-Toynians and Quilans would commence a sea to land attack in the occupied territories. This included Maihark that was the biggest trade hub of Qua-Toyne before its occupation.

Maihark was originally a lively city before the occupation of Qua-Toyne but after the occupation, it turned from the large population of 350,000 consisting of many races of demi-humans to a meager 50,000 due to the extermination orders given by the king of Louria (population numbers are made up because i cant find the actual ones). So what was once a lively city of trade and prosperity turned to a husk of its former self, a city only used for its docks and nothing else. 

The Lourian yawned as he was about to physically clock out of his shift when he saw a weirdly shaped object move in fast towards the Maihark seas. 'Must be a flock of birds or something...' The Lourian thought as he closed his eyes, approaching complete sleep. As he did he let all of his worries be put to the back of his mind since it was the first time his guard shift had been moved to a full 20 hour schedule, during his sleep it was peaceful like a sea of tranquility forever moving. Well it would have been.

He suddenly jolts awake as he feels like something is wrong, like he shouldn't be having peace as it is. But it reveals itself to be nothing. "Must have been the cold." The mysterious object in the distance flashes as the Lourian goes back to sleep. A sudden explosion interrupts his sleep as he wakes up to see a watchtower in flames with the troops inside running for their lives. "What the hell-" The Lourian is blown up as a 150mm shell hits him right in the throat, killing him instantly alongside destroying his position.


The engines of a C-17 roar as they fly above the city of Maihark "The anti-air in Maihark have been destroyed by 150mm! 66th Allied, get your asses ready to drop!" A Californian officer with the rank of Major yells out to a platoon of paratroopers. All of them being from everywhere but California. "SIR YES SIR!" The platoon says in unison. "Equipment check!" The Californian officer yells. A few seconds pass by as the paratroopers check their parachutes, weapons and bags to see if they are strapped on. Once they finish they stand and nervously wait for the order to drop.

"You better be prepared to jump, and to watch your ass in the process." The co-pilot of the C-17 says to a lone paratrooper. "Same to you if you crash again motherfucker." The paratrooper said confidently as he slings his XM8A2 rifle. The co-pilot chuckles. "I sure as hell will then." The co-pilot then turns on a panel showing the bottom of the plane and puts his hand on a switch. Currently, only blue ocean is seen, however it seems to be getting lighter with every second passing. A sign that the water level is getting higher as they reach the coast.

Eventually the water seen below has now become a bright blue color as the sea level goes down and the coast is eventually seen on the monitor, and after a few seconds green grass is seen and the slums goes into sight. With that the co-pilot flips the switch.

A light next to the door of the C-17 turns from red to green. "GO, GO, GO!" The Californian official yells as he practically screams to the paratroopers. Within seconds the paratroopers scramble out of the C-17 like bees and open their parachutes after jumping. One of these paratroopers was Adam Wright.

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