Side Story 2: Earth Post-Transference

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Authors Note: For anyone who cannot tolerate a mild amount of racism, i would advise you to ignore this part.

August 14th, 2066. 7 Days after the transference of Post-America. Abuja, North Africa.

A person runs down an alleyway, panting with every step since he has walked several blocks already, seemingly running from someone. Rain falling on his head every step. In his hands are several waterproof files obtained from all the way in a secretive facility in the Sahara desert. Who was he? Well...

This man was Uchechea Akumjeli. Or Uche as he is usually called by people around him. A member of a military based research group set up by the North African government, and a member of the ethnic group known as the Igbo that was a major player in the politics of the Gold Coast back in the 20th century and is one of the bigger political parties in modern day North Africa. What was in the files however, were way more important than who Uche was. And as the rain continued to pour Uche finally approached his destination, a government building disguised as a warehouse. 

Uche approached the door and knocked three times. "As the Southern sun falls." A voice behind the door said. "The Northern moon rises." Uche says the answer to the secret code with haste. A few seconds later the door opens up and reveals an official by the name of Morgan Mouhana, however he doesn't stop Uche from rushing into the building and slamming the door shut. "What has happened? You seem to be disturbed." Morgan said as Uche took a Berretta M12 submachine gun from a table replacing it with the files and loading a 32 round box magazine. 

"The green helmets figured us out. Its the entire world against us now." Uche said, referring to the green helmets that Organization of Nations peacekeeping personnel commonly wear. "Even the New Canterians?" Morgan said in shock. "While I was running I saw a single black helmeted soldier with an armband. It was purple so PCI. And you definitely heard the speech that Canterian representative gave, 'declaring war' and such." Uche said which made a guard have sweat go down his face. "I guess we're fucked then. Those Canterians will stop at fuckall to get what they want." A Congolese guard said.

Uche backed away from the door. "I remember Libau and Danzig, yes. That country is filled with crazed maniacs, not a surprise then when we heard that Arnket was nuked two decades ago. But back then we were just old enough to drink in the US, guess what?" Uche said before being interrupted by Morgan. "We're damn well pushing 40 and those maniacs already have two million innocent German civvies on the national equivalent of a police given record! And with what happened last week we might as well be having half of our population wiped out." Morgan said, who clearly watched the news at the time.

"We're fucked is what you are saying?" The Congolese guard said as he grabbed a 20 round box magazine with 7.62x51mm and loaded it into his NR1, a local variant of the FN FAL belonging to the nation of The Benelux Union. "We might as well be, but hey. Guess we'll give them a mini Libau while we're at it." Morgan said as he walked to the files that Uche placed on the table. "What's this?" Morgan inquired as Uche took a brief look towards Morgans direction. "The last pieces of research we could get from the Übertragung project in the Reichstag. It also entails research about the latest experiment with the remnants of the project."

"Wait, isn't that name German?" Morgan said as 'Übertragung' was not a word in the numerous official languages North Africa had. "The Fifth Reich started this damn project two centuries ago, we were just following in their footsteps." Uche then said as Morgan decided to open up the files to the last page. "What the hell? 'Result: Disappearance of around 500,000,000 people as well as all nations formerly a part of the United States of America; i.e. Post-America.'?" Morgan said as he thoroughly read the article as quickly he could. "Is this why the entire world is after our ass?"

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