Chapter 19: Short Interlude - The Legend of the Star God

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November 29th, 1639 (2066). Reen Noa Forest, Qua-Toyne. 

The forest was damp, dark, and dense as massive trees blocked most of the sky. Sunlight barely made it through the cracks of the treeline as branches and leaves further blocked some of the almost zeroed out sunlight. Furthermore, there was a river that was... actually fine actually, no magical pollutants or anything. There were also chirping birds as the air was slightly humid to a normal degree. Aside the situation of the trees, it was perfect and labelled as elven holy ground. 

At the entrance of the grand forest were two elves. Mina and Wol, the latter being massively skeptical about letting other races enter the forest unless they had a good reason or it was an emergency. And even though it was one of the last bastions of all non-demons during the wars against demon kind, it was in elven territory and the only instance non-elves ever entered. 

"I don't think I like letting human folk into this sacred holy land." Wol said as he was also a former guerilla fighter against Lourian entry into the elven holy land. "Wol! You cant just say that about our guests, they are the ones who defeated Louria and helped us reclaim our holy land! I've heard that they even helped our kin when they were getting enslaved and killed!" Mina said as she berated Wol.

"Mina, don't be so gullible! What if they start acting in tandem to Louria now?" Wol then said as he didn't have any faith in humans. "Then they would have done it by now! What nonsense-" Mina was then interrupted as the sound of unnatural air blowing resonated in the forest, said noise causing many birds and wildlife to run off.

The two elves then looked up and saw something that looked like a winged boat with two barrels at the end of the wings. "W-what!? A flying boat!?" Mina said as the strange flying craft descended. It was a helicopter. Specifically a New Canterian made CG-2266 which used thrusters for propulsion instead of propellers, which is a safety hazard but ATEC checks weren't a thing when it was made.

The helicopter then landed as the story of the sun and star god came to the mind of the elves. Then from the helicopter came Carlos, Gabriel, and Isabelle from the East Nevada Investigation Company, as well as Nakama, Oscar, and Kenny from the Californian Empire's military and diplomatic affairs. Although Kenny had a burn mark on his hand, clearly from the destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge. Carlos then went up to Mina and Wol.

"Hello, I'm Carlos. A private investigator and archeologist for the Californian Empire, specifically the eastern part of the state of Nevada. I would like to express my gratitude in advance for guidance in your holy land." Carlos said as Mina was still processing the helicopter that essentially landed in their front yard. "Y-yes, right."

It was surprising that Carlos was not exercising arrogance as they expected the Californians to live up to their name, it was anticlimactic even. "Well come this way then. Though I warn you, its a bit of a hike." Mina then said as she started walking, with the Californians following suit.


"Jesus... fucking Christ." Oscar said as all of the Californians were worn out from waling around 2 hours. Except for Nakama, he was still walking normally. "Are... we there... yet?" Isabelle said as she felt like she was suffocating. "Damn, you all are tired already? Shame." Nakama said as he made fun of the five other Californians. 

"Shut the fuck up... you subspecies of... human." Oscar then said as New Canterians were labeled as a different species of human as a friendly joke. "Goodness, you all are tired already? Haha, I've heard that you all were from a land of warriors that defeated Louria single handedly, so this is unexpected. Also what race is sir Nakama-" Mina said with slight worry in her voice before being interrupted.

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