Chapter 8: Vengeance on A Porcelain Platter

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Authors Note: The image above is a fanmade flag of Fenn because I couldn't get an actual one.

September 26th, 2066 (1639). Jin-Hark, Louria.

The musket. An infantryman's light gun with a long barrel, typically smooth-bored, muzzle loading, and fired from the shoulder. Used by many powers in the 18th century back in the 'old world', and used by the Parpaldian Empire alongside other nations in the 3rd civilization area of the New World. A symbol of terror and an advanced weapon for any nation the Parpaldian Empire invaded and ones who were spared, but an old-timey weapon for Mu, Gras Valkas, and Post-America.

Louria fell into the previous category and was usually labelled as a barbarian country, and yet. Patagene was holding one in his hands. He could feel a sense of unfamiliarity with the '1800s flintlock musket' that was given by the Post-Americans like a 1st civilization area nation just dropped a bunch of weapons in a barbarian nation and told them to conquer the entire uncivilized area by the next decade. It was strange so to say.

A knight belonging to the rebellion that Patagene created against King Hark tapped him on the shoulder. "Sir, I still need my weapon." Patagene brought out his Colt army action revolver and span it around once, like a James Bond-esque character (probably). "Right, here you go." He then threw the musket he had in his other hand high to the rebel knight, having him slightly jump to catch it. Patagene then looked at the watch the Post-Americans gave him to tell the time as a gift, it reading 5:59. A minute before the Californian Air Force would firebomb Jin-Hark and Patagene take advantage of the chaos.

Although Patagene hated the fact that he had to simply watch as his country gets bombed, he had no choice since the Californian Empire and the other nations that accompanied it were essentially the descendants of Ravernal, so he couldn't do anything about it. Nor could the rest of Louria and Rodenius, no, the world.

The time on the clock hits 6:00 and Patagene looks around the corner he was hiding in, revolver in hand and 6 'speed loaders' each with 6 bullets in them, although he felt like he wouldn't need to use it anytime soon. Same with a single bullet that the Alaskan army gave him in case he met any mages, saying that it was an experimental bullet that was derived from an invention from a superpower in the Post-American World. Whatever that meant since he was dumbfounded halfway. 

And although he did get instructions on how to use the bullet, he had to retire Yamirei's mages and have them become experienced knights in secret since the bullet was 'powerful'. As said vaguely by the Californians.

A whirring sound came from outside the palace as Patagene silently prayed for anybody going to be caught up in the devastation of the Californian bombings. And as the first bomb was released from its bay area, flying towards a house unrelated to any military installations, and exploded. The jig was up for King Hark. In an instant Patagene stepped out of the corner and aimed his revolver at the nearest person, a maid passing by. The maid, surprised by the sudden emergence accidentally drops a tea set she was holding in her arms, alerting the nearby loyalist forces in the area, if not already.

"Who the hell was that-" A loyalist knight said, emerging out of the shadows with his sword before being swiftly hit with a 44. special round dead in the face, causing his death instantly. 'Neat weapon.' Patagene thinks to himself as he looks at the dead loyalist on the floor. However, the maid does not have the same reaction and instead screams her lungs out in horror, a perfectly logical reaction considering the situation at hand. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" A rebel knight (or musketeer) says as he aims his musket at the maid, prompting her to be silent in an instant. 

"Just about blasted my ears with that scream." The same rebel knight says as he puts a finger in his ear, clearing it out. However, he isn't given a break as several more loyalist knights appear, with the maid running into another room to escape the possible carnage going to be inflicted. "Alright what the hell is going on here-" A captain of the Lourian royal guard says before he is interrupted. "FIRE!" Patagene yells.

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