Chapter 10: Parpaldia and The Testimony of Magical Weaponry

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Authors Note: It was Elto, not Elt. 

Also just something I wanted to share with you all, I just watched Star Blazers for the first time (the show with the space battleship Yamato). 

October 6th, 2066 (1639). Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire.

"Huh?" Elto said as she was caught by surprise by the words said by Kenny. "That's pure nonsense! With the ridiculousness of that story I could say you are in tandem with Mu!" Remille said as she didn't believe a single word Kenny said relating to the story of the transference. "We assure you, it is the truth despite the unbelievability of it." John said, backing up Kenny despite the mildly hostile relationship their respective countries had.

Kenny however, thought about the last part of Remille's sentence. 'Mu? Oh yea, they contacted us a few weeks ago because we had horrible relations with the United States. Actually, I'm not sure how the American Entente was even formed with those relations.' He thought. "By the way mister...", "Kenny Dietrich.", "Ah yes. Mr. Dietrich. Our country has around 72 colonies currently with another being planned. Has either the Californian Empire or Alaska have any under its control?" 

The air turns tense as Elto finished her sentence and John turns to Kenny. "¿Deberíamos hablar de 2026? (Should we talk about 2026?)" John said in Spanish as he didn't want the First Foreign Affairs staff to know what they were talking about. "Seguro. Pero por el bien de Estados Unidos, cambia la historia. (Sure. But for the sake of America, alter the story.)" Kenny said, slightly surprised that he had to use his Spanish speaking skill. 

Right after Kenny clears his throat and speaks. "We don't have any. But for good reason." He said to even more surprise by Remille and Elto since they thought that a nation with a fraction of their air fleet as large as Mu's entire air force would have at least 10 colonies. Remille then clicks her tongue. "Then its settled, your nations are nothing more than barbarians supported by Mu. But to really think a nation like you has no colonies at all." Remille said, barely keeping in her laughter. 

Elto however, wasn't having it at all. "Remille please, this is a serious discussion. But it is strange. What is the reason that you don't have any colonies?" Elto said, still completely aware of the Mu air force sized air fleet in their backyard. Both metaphorically and literally as unbeknownst to anybody in the room, a bullet from a M134 installed on an Apache helicopter had dropped directly onto the backyard of the first foreign affairs office by some unfortunately unchecked rip in the ammunition.

"Well the reason is, 40 years ago we had to fight for our independence against a nation named the United States of America back on our continent, that is why we don't have any colonies." Kenny said. "Tch. Then you are just some rebels against your masters." Remille said. This angers and offends John however and he reaches into his pocket to grab the M1911 pistol that he kept since it was a family treasure, however Kenny stops him from firing any shots in the building. "¡Cálmate carajo! ¡Estamos aquí por diplomacia, no para disparar armas! (Calm the fuck down! We're here for diplomacy, not to fire off guns!)" Kenny almost yells in English.

"Are you two discussing something between yourselves?" Elto asked, not recognizing Spanish since English is the common tongue of the New World. "Huh? Oh yes. Lets get back to discussing relations between our two nations then." Kenny said. "After careful consideration, we will be willing to send an envoy to either the Californian Empire or Alaska. The choice to where you will send them is in your hands however." Elto says, much to the surprise of Remille. 

"I see. Then we shall discuss this with our respective governments. Expect to see several vessels next week to escort your delegation to either country." Kenny said to even more surprise by Remille because she never expected them to actually accept the request. "Alright. I wish you well on your trip back, denizens of the Californian Empire and Alaska." Elto says as she watches the two diplomats make their way out. "Elto! Why did you accept the sending of a delegation to those simply barbarian countries!?" Remille says as the door to the room is closed.

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