Chapter 16: Enter, Altaras

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Authors Note: Sorry for the short chapter, I've recently gotten back pain that is impeding upon my writing.

November 4th, 2066. Fallon, Californian Empire.


As the sun rose above the desert sky of Nevada, several men in black coats knocked on the door of a private investigation office. 

Shortly after the door to the office opened. "Whaddya want." Carlos said as he would usually get requests from the phone, not the front door as latter was reserved for mailmen or the occasional public nuisance. The black coated man in front of the rest then pulled out a badge. "West Coast Intelligence Bureau. Is this the building for the East Nevada Investigation Company?" The black coat said as Carlos gave a tired expression.

"Yeah it is. Just a second." Carlos said as he closed the door on the black coats and looked towards the front counter of the building, giving an irritated expression. "Isabelle put your fucking shirt on!" Carlos then said as a redhead leaned back on her chair with only a bra and a pair of shorts. 

"Fuck off, it's almost a hundred degrees in here and the AC is off." Isabelle said as she closed her eyes in a dismissive tone. However Carlos ran to the front desk where the redhead was and slammed the counter, causing Isabelle to almost fall off her chair but catch herself last second and move the chair to its normal position.

Isabelle then looked at Carlos, who had a sense of urgency in his face. "Look car lost-" Carlos wasn't having any of it as he slammed the counter again. "No! Listen here bitch, I don't wanna hear it right now!" Carlos yelled as Isabelle took offense to the statement. "Jeez, the fuck is wrong!?" 

Carlos pinched his nose then looked directly at Isabelle "The fucking black coats are outside-" Before Carlos could finish his sentence, the very member of the intelligence bureau he was just talking to walked in the room. "Mister Carlos. I'm sorry to barge in but what is going... on." The black coat stopped as he saw Isabelle having her breasts on full display. 

"Ah. I apologize then, carry on with your indecent exposure." The black coat said in a passive-aggressive tone as he nonchalantly left the building, with Isabelle staring in disbelief. "This is what I was talking about stupid! Put a fucking shirt on now!" Carlos said as he pointed to a shirt on the counter, presumably the one Isabelle had before the air conditioning of the building had shut off.


"So? What does the intelligence bureau want with me now? I've already investigated Ciudad Juárez for the ASDA back in 2061, your business with me should already ended half a decade ago alongside the Phoenix Investigation Enterprise and the Mexican gangs in Sonora, amongst other things." Carlos said as he sat in a couch facing the black coated intelligence bureau agent, who was sitting in another couch courtesy of Carlos.

"Point is, why are you here again." Carlos then reiterated. "The Walker River Mining Company, or WRMC. They had recently released an article for the press about some modern day ruins for some long forgotten operation, specifically an operation by the codename of Zweite Welt. Second World in German. The article got insanely popular over the past two days." The black coat said, freezing Carlos as he realized the gravity of the situation.

The black coat then leaned towards Carlos and put his elbows on his knees, his hands close towards his face. "And recently we've just found the very investigators that gave information and evidence for the basis of the article. You know what I am saying yes?" The black coat said as tension filled the air, Carlos giving a displeased look on his face as his eyebrows furrowed. 

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