Prelude: Chapter 1

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Teresa: (Location: Somewhere on the outskirts of Germany)

I looked up at the only open entrance to the warehouse: a fucking hole-of-a-window at the tippity top.

Of course.

Sighing, I unbuckled the grappling hook from my hip, aiming it at a pipe sticking out of the top, probably pumping out pollution. I smirked as it wrapped around and hooked.

Spider-Man. Spider-Man. His sister can do whatever he can.

I hummed quietly along with my thoughts as I pulled on the line. The pipe buckled a little, making me frown.

Gotta risk it.

Reaching my hand up on a ledge, I climbed up nimbly so my combat boots rested on it. I was now about 6 feet off the ground.

Worry gnawed at me a second before I pushed the button on the grapple to retract.

As my feet left the edge, I was raised higher and higher toward my target. Usually, I wasn't so uneasy about heights. I had a flight suit, tho it had been confiscated (we don't talk about that) and I've dangled from amazing heights in my brother's hand or by a web line. But without my suit and him by my side... basically me just being an ordinary 20-year-old girl, was nerve racking.
But I'm not ordinary. I thought, grabbing ahold of the windowsill. I'm anything but.

I might not have superpowers like my brother, but that didn't mean I couldn't handle myself. I was born during a spy mission, confiscated by S.H.I.E.L.D when my parents died and raised as a spy. I had no idea I had family still living on the other side of the world till just a few years ago. And I couldn't even try to make a normal relationship with them because I was technically wanted in three different countries (hey, I'm doing my time, it's fine).

I clicked the other button to retract the grapple back to me. I heard the tear of metal and the pipe is suddenly falling. Literally shattering on the ground.

Automatically, I climb into the window, landing on a metal walkway cascaded in darkness. I closed the window as shouts suddenly came from outside. Daring to look out the filthy thing, I saw shadowy figures standing around the wreckage. Multiple languages sputtered. Intruder rang out and I stepped away, sneering.

Good job, Ter, your doing such a terrific job. I thought, starting down the metal stairs. I unholstered the gun under my arm and slid my back up against the wall. Entering the shadow of the corner, I saw two guards up ahead talking quietly.

Narrowing my eyes, I clicked the safety off the gun and took aim.

    Hero's don't kill. I thought, using my brother's voice. I winced.

    I forcibly shoved away any lingering thoughts of my brother out of my mind. Along with my well missed flight suit. I could no longer be a hero like my brother. Certainly not super. Now and forever more I'd be a spy/mercenary. And right now, my mission was to learn (cough cough steal) information about a new drug cartel that- if all went well- wouldn't even take off.

    With a cold expression on my face, I hit the trigger.

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      So, I've never done anything like this before so bare with me. I mean, sure, I've written my share of things. Currently trying to publish a book. But I've never had my work so openly shared like this. Tho I'm not sure how many people will actually read it, so it probably won't amount to much in the end.

     Um, let's see... I'm pretty good with spelling, but I'll probably jump back and forth between past and present tense. It's something I find myself doing often. Hope whoever reads this doesn't mind.

    It'll take a while for the characters to actually interact with each other so I hope you'll be patient with me. Also, I'm really into details, so this will probably be one of the shortest passages... (part? chapter?)

   Lastly, I will probably be really irregular with posting. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be posting weekly or whatever but I'll try not to keep you waiting.

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    Alright, so that's as personal as I'm getting on this thing, everything else will purely be more info on the characters.

    This prelude period will be 4 chapters long and with each chapter I'll tell ya a little about them (is that stupid?)

   (Whatever) Okay, so Teresa. I don't know how many of you read the comics but she barely shows up in them. I honesty wish we saw more of her, but the comics love to remain dully consistent, trying to stay in the same place all the while trying to give the character an arc 🙄 (the only thing I hate about them).

     Anyway, I'm framing this around the time when Teresa came back (it's been a while since I've read the comics [actually I haven't even finished them] so just relax if I don't get this right. it's fan-fiction, legally not part of the universe, I can do whatever the hell I want).

     What was I saying... oh, Teresa knows Peter's identity (obviously) and the two have interacted twice. When they met and the other time that's too stressing to go into detail about.

    I'll explain it better in the actual book when the siblings meet again. This is the first chapter, I'm not going over a thousand words (even tho half of it wasn't even the actual story). See ya!

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