P1: Chapter 17

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Felicia (Fisk Tower, same time as last chapter)

I left Ter in the care of Doc and Bruno. Hopefully her concussion will fade soon, and I can have a more normal conversation with her. Maybe she could tell me more about the cylinder in her possession. Though she seemed to be in the dark as much as me.

Staring out the window of Willie's penthouse, I watched as the sun started to set. Cars bustled by and the lights of the city started to become more prominent as the sky darkened. I sipped from my glass of red wine. It wasn't particularly my favorite, but I reveled in the taste since it was from Fisk's secret stash.

You'd really think he'd invest in better security after last week. I mused, swirling the liquid around. To be fair, Willie wasn't used to magic foes. Though it won't be long before he has magical defenses. The Kingpin hated being caught unprepared, and my little intrusion a week ago won't be taken lightly.

Which is why I have little time. I narrowed my eyes on the horizon, growing a little impatient. I didn't dream of returning this soon, or ever really, but the prize I stole from that vault wasn't what I was expecting. I needed more intel. Teresa helped, and would probably continue being a good asset if we can work on a common ground. Although, we needed more data, which led me to-

The door opened and I turned around to a woman in a long green formal gown. Her wavy brown hair trickled down her back, a stripe of white running through it. Her dark brown eyes looked up and locked with mine. I smirked as she stood up straight, a mask flew over her features to hide any weakness.

"Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat." The woman said, strolling into the room. She reached for a cord to a lamp and let its soft light flood the room. "You put my husband in quite a temper last time you came."

"Vanessa Fisk," I grinned. I walked over to a chair she motioned me to. Though neither of us sat. "I heard a rumor a while back that you might be leaving the proud tyrant."

"Well, as you can tell, it had simply been rumor." Vanessa replied curtly, a mixture of emotions flashed through her eyes.

"I suppose. I've been meaning to ask Willie: how is Richard?" I smiled as Vanessa's nostrils flared. Everyone knew about how the son of Kingpin had been caught up in a gang fight. He currently laid in a hospital bed, deep in a coma. It was also the reason why people speculated that Vanessa was cutting ties with dear old Willie. "It's a shame what happened to him. A seven-year-old shouldn't go through that trauma."

Vanessa leveled me with a look. She smoothly sat down, not in defeat, but in a class many could never pull. She crossed one leg over the other, folding her hands in her lap. Although Vanessa mostly kept to the shadows, she had aspects to her that proved she could be just as dangerous as her husband. A lot speculated that she had been the Red Rose, a small time gang leader that had almost overnight become a dangerous crime boss that overthrew Silvermane. Although she (or he, no one had ever properly seen the Red Rose, only their stamp on documents, experiments, and even their lackeys) had disappeared years ago. Just when the Kingpin had seemingly returned from the grave. Honestly, it was quite obvious she was more than Willie's arm candy. But her intentions and motives were still... unclear.

"Why are you here, Felicia?" Vanessa asked, keeping her head held high.

"If you think it's for your husband or anything so dubious, you can relax." I said, following her example and sitting as well. "I just wanted to talk."

"With me?" Vanessa raised a brow. "What threat are you imply-"

"It's not a threat." I quieted her quickly. We stared each other down for a second before I started again. "Last week I stole from your- what did Willie call it?- private sanctum."

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