Prelude: Chapter 4

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My footfalls thudded loudly as I sprinted across the roof. My eyes fixated on the glowing flames in front of me. A gust of water sprayed through the raging fire, but it would still take awhile for it to be safe for firefighters to get in and save anyone. And I knew time was precious in these situations.

   Flash, you know I'll follow you anywhere. Ti spoke up. But can't we find someone else to cure?

   C'mon, buddy. Do you really expect us to leave when our interference could save a life?

    I suppose not. Ti said, barely containing his reluctance. But what if we end up destroying two lives? Mainly ours?

   I narrowed my eyes, getting ready to jump into the burning building. It's our duty to protect, Anti.

   I know. Ti snapped, insulted. But I don't know if I'll be able to do that, much less heal the victims.

     Just keep our legs in tact. I'll take care of the rest. I told him before jumping off the neighboring rooftop. I summersault through the air before sticking my legs out to break the window, shards erupting everywhere.

    Crouching down on the floor, I immediately felt Ti's strength weaken, bringing us both down. His armor coating started to dissolve and wear, leaving patches of my muscular arms and torso to succumb to the heat.

    You got this, buddy. I coached, standing up with flames surrounding me. Though I almost fell down from a wave of dizziness as Ti subconsciously leeched away my own energy. Keep our legs grounded and we'll be fine.

    I was a little startled when Ti growled in my mind. You and I both know that ain't true. He stammered, his voice weak as I quickly searched the apartment building. Let's just get this over with.

   I nodded. You got it, bud-


    There's our cue. Ti said as I ran forward.

    "Hello?" I called out, almost coughing. I forgot when I talked to Ti, I usually just use my thoughts.

"HELP ME-" The lady was cut off by her own cough.

I rushed forward into a small apartment where I heard the voice. Her coughing continued to lead me toward her. I came in front of a damaged door, black smoke leaking out of the cracks.


Ramming my shoulder into the door, I wasn't expecting it to give so easily. But then I felt the burn on cinders hitting my expose skin.

Flash! Ti strained to say.

"I know, buddy." I breathed aloud, coughing a little. "Just a bit longer."

"Help! Pleeeeease!" The lady called out and I saw her.

In the back corner, where the ceiling was caved in by some massive chuck of concrete, was the woman. Her legs were pinned under it. She was coughing as her lungs filled with black smoke that polluted the room. Dirt marred her face and curly brown hair. She looked up to me with tear trails on her cheeks. She held her hand out, desperate.

    I scrambled over to her, putting my hands in a position to lift the cement off her. "On the count of 3, okay?" I said, my muscles tensing. She coughed in return, head dipping down.

    She won't make long. Ti said in a weakening voice. Neither will we.

    I clenched my jaw. We are all making it out. I went to lift the concrete up, groaning from the strain. My strength along with Ti's was tapped out from the fire. But I kept going, slowly lifting the rumble off the woman.

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