P1: Chapter 11

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Teresa: (same as last chapter)


I blinked once, and then multiple times as I stared at my brother's seething face. I had to admit, I was surprised by the more outgoing Spider-Man I saw on television, but I was happy that my brother was finally using Spider-Man. I mean it had to be annoying to just go out everyday and get punched. Plus, he actually had a fucking flaw now.

I wasn't surprised to find out he took over our aunt's house. I was still a little sad that she never got to meet me. I mean, we did meet. But Peter introduced me as a friend, not a family member. We thought it was for the best.

"Uh, no?" I finally got out. My brother may have looked like a nerd, but he was an adrenaline junkie (not that he'd admit it). He always wanted to do the right thing. How could he say no?

"You heard me, no." He responded as I raised an eyebrow. He turned away growling, running a hand through his hair. I had noticed when he walked through the door a scar that ran down his face. Though I didn't question it. We all had our scars, especially in our field. Besides, it ran through his one of his eyes yet his chocolate orb remain intact. It couldn't have been that bad. Mainly a fluke. If you wanted to talk about a real eye injury ask Fury.

I gaped at his response as he stomped into the kitchen. I wasn't prepared for a no. Honestly, I thought we'd be off by now. Instead I felt anger heating up my cheeks as I stomped after Peter.

"What the hell do you mean by no?!"

"Just that: no. Kinda a straightforward answer, don't ya think?" My brother said as he opened the door to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. "Do you need me to spell it out? It's very simple so I know you won't get confused." He said, leaning against the counter before taking a swig.

I just ground my teeth together. I could feel my nails digging into my skin as my knuckles turned white. "I don't think you understand how dire the situation is. This organization could be the Hydra for all we know!"

"Huh, could be? For all we know?" He quirked his injured eyebrow. "Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Peter asked, going back into the living room. I opened and closed my mouth as he vanished from view.

"I-I beg your pardon?" I sputtered, spinning around.

"Begging now?" Peter said, looking me over with his brows furrowed. "I'm sorry but if you're going to pretend to be Teresa Parker you're gonna have to do more research. Get a backbone, for one." He sat on the couch, huffing. He leaned deeply into the cushions. It almost seemed force.

"Oh, I'll show you who has the real backbone." I marched into the living room, folding my arms as I stared Peter down. "At least I'm not afraid to fight!"

Peter flinched before sitting up. "Ter, I know you've been through a lot. And I'm sure it's been a rough few years." He said, facial features relaxing. "But you can't just walk into my house- hell, come into the states when you're technically still branded a terrorist." Peter said, nostrils flaring.

"Hey! You said I did the right thing!" I declared, hands on my hips. "If I didn't steal from the US government and S.H.I.E.L.D. the Gray Blade would have decimated all enhanced individuals, superhero or not!"

"Yes, I wasn't taken back what I said before." Peter said, looking sheepish. "But it put you in the spotlight. You have a target on your back." Peter's lips pressed together and a determined look came across his face. "I can't help you, Teresa."

I just scoffed at his explanation and turned to look at the tv. Spider-Man was laughing with some anchorman about Electro. It seemed like they were going over his top fails.

Snarling, I turned back to my brother and pointed at the screen. "You're worried about being targeted? Since when?About being in the spotlight? You're doing fucking talk shows!"

Peter's gaze flickered to the tv. His eyes seemed ablaze as he watch himself joke around about his wacky rogues gallery. His jaw flexed as he clamped down on his teeth. His calm posture suddenly stiffened. I took it all in before turning back to the screen.

Okay, clearly some drama going on. I wasn't really surprised. My brother might not be a big shot hero that faces the end of the world on a daily, but he did have some freaky stuff that went on in his life.

"My answers no, Teresa." Peter said, his somehow already determined look hardening. "Maybe when you actually have solid information other than could be's and for all we know's I'll think about it. But right now it seems like you're going off of assumptions and that will only get you in trouble."

I opened my mouth to argue. That I wasn't just half assing this situation and we needed to take action now. But I didn't really have a good argument. The only evidence I had was a canister of sketchy files. I tried cracking the coded documents but found nothing. Then I looked up the company that owned the building and found even less information. The organization seemed to have gone out of business a while ago. But then why were people like Scarface guarding it. Just more questions than answers were found in my searching.

"The doors over there." Peter said, shrugging to the exit. I scoffed and started to march off but turned around to give Peter my mind when I hesitated. He seemed really tense, staring at the tv screen. I looked back as a video of Electro stopped playing and showed that anchorman and Spider-Man laughing.

I titled my head to the side and narrowed my eyes, trying to see the picture of the puzzle with only a couple of pieces. If I figured it out maybe I could help my brother with whatever problem he was facing. And then he would-

Forget it. I shook my head before walking out, slamming the door loudly on my way out.

One thing I knew well about my brother is that he helped everyone around him (which is why his rejection was confusing and irritating) and that he never accepts help himself.

Ugh! Why is life against me all of the sudden? First I flunked my mission by getting the wrong coordinates (which I never do), then I can't find any information whatsoever on a stupid organization (which makes them guilty in my opinion), and now I can't even obtain any help for my investigation. I went behind S.H.I.E.L.D again and my own brother basically told me to fuck off. No ones cares about me.

I felt my phone start ringing in one of the many pockets hidden on me. Cursing, I pulled out the cracked screen (remember to get a new phone, Ter) to see a number that almost made a smile appear on my face.

Although it would have chased my brother away even if he'd said yes. I thought with a frown, my mood shifting.

Blowing a strand of hair out of my face, I clicked answer and held the phone up to my ear. "Hello." I said in a dry voice.

"I got it."

"Wait, really?" I responded, my mood shift again.

"Yeah, and this might just be curiosity killing the cat, but I want answers."

I scoffed with a smirk on my face. "Oh, I'll tell you the whole sob story if you want. And if you're still with me by then, you can join me on my mission."

"This mission being?"

"A true test for your newly obtained abilities."

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