P1: Chapter 5

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Warning: Word count at 2902, I kinda smashed two chapters into one.

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Teresa: ( Location: same place as prelude)

I inhaled and the strong, metallic scent of blood filled my nose. It was so strong I bet if I opened my mouth I could taste it.

Trying to prove myself right, I opened my mouth.

Ugh, it's almost worse. What were you thinking, Ter? You'd think me being a half time mercenary, I'd get used to it... but no.

I looked around at the mess I made. I might have gone a little overboard with the killing. Now that a thought about it, I'm pretty sure this was a spy mission and not take-everyone-out-mercenary-style mission. But I felt like I needed to prove myself. I couldn't be like my brother, a pacifist that's never taken a damn life.

I mean, really? Not even one, Peter? And no, Gwen doesn't count, you guilt ridden human being. That wasn't your fault, though I almost wish it was to show you weren't perfect. You know, besides being depressed because all the people you didn't save. But that almost made it worse because-

A groan interrupted my inner rant. I scoffed, taking my eyes of the blood stained wall. Cocking my gun, I pulled the trigger at the dude at my feet. He had been inching closer to me like a deranged zombie, a pocket knife in his hand. Not like it would have done him any good. Blood and guts slimily pooled around him. His legs dissolve by acid. I actually didn't do that. One of his teammates tried and failed to cover me in acid, leading to the guy and Legless here to get caught in it. Honestly, I was doing Legless a favor. He was either going to die from blood loss or pain.

Is that possible? Dying from pain? I put the safety back on my gun and put it back in its holster. I mean, if it can drag you unconscious it should theatrically be able to drag you to death. I wonder if that would be a good way to go? I mean it be painful but it'd be cool to put on your gravestone 'dead by-"

"You shouldn't of done that, little girl."

I looked up at the voice. Suddenly, a dude dropped down from the shadows. He had nasty scars on him. Two nasty looking rapiers on his back.

He unsheathed one, turning his head to give me a crazed look. "That person-" He gestured to Legless, "was my brother." He swung his sword around, a snarl on his face. "You will pay for his death."

I held my hands up, backing away with my shoulders relaxed. My heart raced a little bit, but I was just going to blame that on adrenaline and not fear.

Though they do kinda go hand in hand.

"Look, dude." I said, stalling. My eyes flickered around for an opening. "Honestly, your brother had a good death. He died honorably. Well," I rolled my eyes, "As honorable as it can be among thieves. Which, I guess is good enough cause-"

The guy yelled out, coming toward me at full speed.

I smirked. I dodged him like any professional anime character, by sidestepping. I twirled around and watched as he tried to stop himself to turn around again.

"Sorry, buddy." I said shrugging as I look out my gun. "You were interesting, but sadly-" I pulled the trigger, nothing happened. I was out.

The guy chuckled. "Seems little girl got too cocky." He snarled sinisterly, slashing at the air before coming toward me menacingly.

I chuckled, hesitant. I inched backwards, hands raised, "I don't suppose you're into all that honor I was spitting and will take me in a fistfight?"

An evil looking smirk came across Scarface. "For anyone else, perhaps. But you murdered my brother in cold blood." He pointed his shiny sword at me. "You have no honor, so you will receive no respect from me."

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