Prelude: Chapter 2

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Felicia: (Location: Fisk Tower)

"All you need is love, love, love! Love of thieving in the night!" I sang, holding up a sparkling jem from its display case that now had a lovely hole cut out of it from my claws.

     "You sure we should be doing this?" Doc asked over the comms.

   "Yeah, Boss. Last time you broke into the King-pin's building you almost died. And Spider-man had been with." Bruno chimed in.

    "And when you both escaped with your lives, he swore revenge." Doc went on. I could hear his irritation, but knew he was really concerned.

    "Relax, boys." I purred, taking a crown off a mannequin and going over to a mirror. My white wavy hair seemed to glow in the moonlight shining through the south wall made completely of glass. I place the majestic artifact on my head and smirked at my mirrored self.

   Turning away, I started to shove jewels into bags, slinging a full one over my shoulder.

   "Willie's busy with that silly gala downstairs." I continued, sauntering up to a portrait of the fat man and his wife, Vanessa. "I'm sure his fat ass is getting drunk about now." I grabbed ahold of the painting's frame and tore it open like a door. A safe sat in the middle of the wall behind it.

   A smile edged itself on my face.

"Just be careful, I don't want to go looking for a civilian job if you die."

"Thanks for the encouragement, Doc." I smirked, opening the safe with my tools. Inside was a sealed tube.

Paintings, nice. I strapped the tube to my back, barely giving the logo on it a thought before picking up the two bags full of jewels. There wasn't many, but this was Vanessa's private stash. I didn't know how she ever married the Kingpin. She seemed the complete opposite of Willie. She was modest, not needing jewels to shine. Of course, I didn't either, but we complimented each other.

"Right, beautiful?" I murmured at the crown on my head.

"Boss, I'm picking something up on the cameras. There's-" Static muffled Doc's voice out.

Tapping on the tech in my ear, I tried to get him back. "Doc? Bruno?" I asked. Silence.

"Well, well, well."

I tensed at the familiar voice, swirling around. Wilson Fisk stood in the doorway, a jeweled staff in hand. His humongous form barely aloud room for the two henchmen kneeled at his side, pointing some nice looking guns at me. Two red dots lit up on my chest as they clicked the safety off.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Willie said, tapping his staff on the floor. The sound bounced around the quiet room.

Even though my heart started to race, I pulled off a smirk. I leaned on a display case, taking the last necklace left in my hands. "It's not what I'm dragging in but what I'm gonna drag out." I exclaim, raising an eyebrow.

"Or," I went on, tipping my crown towards him, "would you believe me when I say this isn't what it looks like?"

At that, Willie just scowled. "I told you if you came to my building uninvited ever again you wouldn't make it out alive." He declared as he walked toward me. I stood up straight, lightly rolling to the balls of my feet, when he stopped a couple yards in front of me.

"Well," I smirked, my eyes gleaming. One by one my fingers curled my hand into a fist. My heart thudded faster with adrenaline. I could feel my powers just under the surface of my skin. When I first got my powers, they activated out of fear and only when I needed protection. Now...?

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