P1: Chapter 21

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A/N: I looked back on my arc for Teresa and Felicia and it is... a disaster. Writer's block was bad during the time I was last working on their chapters. I don't even want to look at that mess. Hopefully I do them justice in the next part.

Teresa: (Felicia's hideout)

"Here, kid."

I peeled my eyes open to see Doc's hand outstretched, an ice pack in his hand. I glared for a second before taking the cold plastic. "Thanks," I mumbled, leaning back into the stolen couch. I let my head drop before plopping the pack over my eyes. A little relief came, but there was still a throb bouncing around my skull.

"Concussions suck." I suddenly said to the quiet room.

A startled laugh came as a reply. I recognized the shaky sound as Bruno's. Doc had sprinted him out of here as soon as Felicia gave the order. They had come back a while later, Bruno's shoulder strapped up in some fancy cast. Just an hour ago he took it off like he never got shot. Weird freaky science. Felicia soon left after they had arrived, geared up in her cat suit. Something about a date. I was still kinda out of it.

"Karma's a bitch." Bruno answered. I probably wasn't going to be his best friend anytime soon. Although he should be grateful, my shot was sloppy.

Not like I was actually trying to kill him. I might not have any "super" powers, but my aim is deadly. Felicia's abnormal powers messed with me. The sensation that fell over me was kinda like mind control. A full body shudder went through me at the thought. I hated not being in control. With the kind of world that I lived in, I pretty much never had any command. At least most of the time I had some sort of sway over my own body, but it was never a certainty.

I scoffed loudly at Bruno's claim, trying to calm my now racing heart. "If I say sorry do I get a do over?" I drawled, lazily looking over at Bruno and Doc.

They shared a glance, then Doc got up and started walking toward me. "Boss seems to already think we've started over." He said, sprawling out beside me on the couch, Bruno took my other side. I tensed, feeling boxed in, but forced myself to relax.

"Guess you're going to be part of the crew." Bruno seemed to hesitantly agree.

I barked out a laugh. "I'm not much of a team player."

Doc shrugged. A glass of water seemed to appear out of nowhere and he poured a bottle of where-is-he-getting-this-stuff into it. "Fel isn't much either, we don't hold it against her though." He stirred the clear water mix before handing me the cup. I didn't take it. Instead, I just took the ice pack off and stared at it. Doc thrust it forward again. "Take it, it'll take the edge off." He said, shrugging.

I stared a moment longer before doing what he said. I downed it without thinking. Technically, I was trained better than to trust someone I just meant. Especially when I just shot his friend, but I was kinda feeling self destructive today. I leaned back against the couch, letting my arm hang over the back. I dropped the cup, the sound of glass shattering satisfying.

An awkward silence descended over us before Bruno jumped up and snatched up the remote. "I'm watching the game." He said, turning the television on why Doc groaned.

"Oh, c'mon! It's the same thing over and over." Doc exclaimed, putting his hands up.

"We're not having this argument again." Bruno said, lips pressing together as he kept his gaze glued tv.

"Mets, Yankees, 49ers-"

"We're not talking about football."

Doc sat up, affronted. "There's a 49ers baseball-"

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