P1: Chapter 16

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Felicia: (at her homebase, right after she called Teresa)

"We went through all that trouble," Doc exclaimed, "disabling S.H.I.E.L.D. defenses and security cameras, tiptoeing around guards, sneaking into a vault, for that?" He gestured with both hands at the mauled piece of technology in front of us. Pieces of wire were sticking out and hunks of its metal exterior were missing. It was twisted up in a weird way... like a can under pressure, squished.

I titled my head, even more curious about the mysterious client that had contacted me. I haven't had a client for... okay, yes, I've taken on clients before, but I usually double cross them. I'd take whatever treasure they had hired me to steal. Although, I no longer needed to do that. Thieving isn't how I make a living anymore. I already have tons of money. Why was I still doing this? The saying Spider said about me came to mind.

She doesn't do it for the money, but for the thrill.

I smiled at Spider's familiar words, but I stop when Doc starts stomping over to the bar. I looked over to see Bruno eyeing the piece of... technology? His eyes gleaned with disgust and curiosity.

"Waste!" Doc suddenly grumbles in a loud voice, he pops over a bottle before pouring its contents into three glasses. "Worst job we've ever pulled."

"I wouldn't say that." I said, leaning back before kicking up my feet on the coffee table. "Think about it, we stole from S.H.I.E.L.D. That's no small feat. It just shows how good we are."

"Yeah, but how was it worth it? We went all out for this- obviously, it's S.H.I.E.L.D.-" Doc suddenly became smug as he rounded the bar, handing Bruno and me each a glass, "I'd die before surrendering to those entitled dogs." His smug expression disappeared looking over at our loot. "Yet the prize was less than satisfying."

"Hey, c'mon now. It's not our place to judge if our client wants..." Bruno looked hesitantly over at our catch, "damaged goods. If they pay well, then-"

"Then it doesn't matter." Doc looked over accusingly to me. "What are we doing?"

I simply tilted my head at his demand. "What do you mean?" I asked, raising a brow before taking a sip of wine.

"It's not like you need to do this anymore. You have everything. Hell, you could go to those mountain people and be their queen." I rolled my eyes at Doc's remark but didn't say anything. "The thrill of stealing doesn't stick like it used to, now that we're on top."

"So what?" I tried not to raise my voice. I didn't want this to escalate. But the rare emotion of fear was starting to trickle through me. "You want to quit? Not be part of my crew anymore?"

"You're kidding, right?" Bruno said, looking over at Doc quizzingly. It helped me relax a little. "You want to leave? Right after we've made it up to the top."

"Of course not!" Doc snapped, sitting down with us on the sofas. "I couldn't even think about getting a new boss after working for you, 'Licia."

"Then what are you proposing?" I countered. Doc always came up with extravagant ideas that made a job much more satisfying. And fun.

But, this time, Doc just shook his head. "I don't know, but we need a change."

And it's all up to me, huh?

A buzz sounded just then. I leaned over and picked up my phone. I clicked on the notification and found our client had texted me.

Coming up.

Just then, the vintage elevator clacked to life. The machine groaned and moaned as it brought up our precious buyer. I jutted my head toward Doc and Bruno and they got up from the couches to make themselves scarce.

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