P1: Chapter 14

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Ben: (May 5th, same day and place as last chapter)

My insanely wide smile slowly disappeared when Flash said my real name. A dangerous, knowing look went across my face.

So you were his ally. I mused, looking Flash over. He seemed to freeze like an idiot deer standing in front of head lights. Our eyes met and his eyes widened in fear.

He took a hesitant step back. When he saw I didn't try to get any closer, he took off. For someone with artificial legs, he was rather quick.

I remained where I was, looking at where Flash had once stood. It wouldn't be hard to find him, especially with LA backing me with her wonderful company. When Peter had botched my last attempt to change the world, I barely had a toothpick to my name. I was weary when LA found me. She seemed too... pure. But with her past... relations I shouldn't have been surprised.

Smoothly turning around, I walked against the crowd in the opposite direction Flash went. It was a pity Peter had gotten to him before I did. Flash would have made a good ally. His experiences in the army would have made him a good counselor. And his previous relations would have made him stride to the top of LA's command in no time. (AN: If it's not obvious, Ben doesn't know Flash is AntiVenom.)

Such a shame he must go to the grave. Such a waste.

I wrinkled my nose at the absent respect the busy streets gave me. They were fond of the Amazing Spider-Man, cheering anytime I came in the flashy red and blue. Even with Spidey's checkered past thanks to my dear "brother" and his infernal clumsiness. Honestly, I can't believe he lasted that long. But they blantedly ignored Ben Riley. If it wasn't for my smooth grace and reflexes, I would be getting shoved around by ignorant New Yorkers.

But soon, I thought, adjusting my jacket collar. They will learn to respect me.

It had taken ages for Spider-Man to get the respect he deserves. And it was almost impossible to get all the newspapers, news stations, and mediocre blogs to finally be sways to love Spider-Man. Once again I must thank LA for wanting an alliance to get rid of that annoying JJJ and his diatribes against Spider-Man. Honestly, his rants are just sad at this point. It was in his best interest to get him off scene before he embarrassed himself... Oh, wait. He already did.

Now that Spider-Man has the hearts of the people securely in his grasp, LA has agreed that our connection should become public. And my face. I've already hinted at a partner to the press, S.H.I.E.L.D., and various team-ups with other heroes. By now the gossip chain has traveled so far, it's almost depressing to think no one's guessed it yet. Then again... it wouldn't have been my first guess either.

Once the crowd had thinned, I took out my phone. I didn't directly call LA. Even though they were fools, S.H.I.E.L.D. had suspects for who Spider-Man was. I had hacked their systems and found Peter Parker. Ugh, just his name makes me want to hurl. Even though my dear brother's dead, it'd still be suspicious if a guy that looked like Peter was going on and off their radar constantly and calling CEO's directly.

"What?" Handler said, he was LA's 'right hand' or whatever. He would handle business for her so she didn't get her hands dirty. Basically, if S.H.I.E.L.D or some cops found out what happened he'd take the blame.

I don't think the guy knew that.

"Listen, I found the guy who aided my late brother. Now, I nee-"

"Ha! You mean you didn't get him in the blast with your coma victim? Honestly, Benjamin, where's your honor? I get it if you had beat the guy fair and square in battle but-"

"Did it sound like I was asking your opinion?" I gritted out, trying not to hiss like an idiot.

"Oh, wasn't my opinion."

"Then who's was it?"

Handler made a smug sound. "LA's"

Okay, ouch.

"And it wasn't even like you had beat him in a fair fight before the dude went nighty night. No, you caught him off guard after he was led on a goose chase by the Green Goblin, fought the Green Goblin, and then have a building collapsed on-"

"Handler!" I shouted, turning into alley and pinching my brow. One of these days, LA was gonna have to find a new fall out guy. I was either going to kill this one or rip his vocal cords out.

"Just..." I drew out, imaging Handler's neck in my grasp, "Activate Failsafe Exterminator."

"That names a little on the nose, don't ya think?" Handler grumble. I almost punched the wall out.

"Fine. Who's the target?"

"If I remember correctly, there's two. Flash Thompson and Sha Shan Nguyen-Thompson."

"Ha! The irony!"

I frowned, wrinkling my nose. "I beg your pardon?"

"Beg away, pretty boy." Handler said, making me snarl while he chuckled. "It's just that I was doing some snooping on S.H.I.E.L.D. servers. You know, as one does."

I just rolled my eyes at Handler's smug tone.

"And I literally just found dear old Thompson's file."

"Flash was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?" I said, raising a brow.

"Nah, something much better."

"Well, whatever it is," I said, trying to hide my annoyance toward Handler's secrecy. "Just make sure it's helpful in getting rid of the two."

"Oh, trust me. They won't know what hit them."

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Hehe...soooo. This is it... for this year. I'll see you guys again in 2023!!! Sorry for the short chapter. If any of you care: comment. It'll motivate me. Well, bye!

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