P1: Chapter 15

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Peter (random abandoned warehouse, evening of May 5th [sunset hours]; if you can't tell, I'm starting to give up on this description stuff)


Flash had sent that eight minutes ago. When I read it aloud, MJ almost floored our car through a stoplight. Thankfully we managed to get to our rendezvous point in one piece.

"Is this the one?" MJ asked, biting down on her lower lip as she brought the car to a slow stop in front of a rusty warehouse.

I scanned our surroundings. I, personally, haven't seen the rendezvous location MJ, Flash, and Sha had put together since being- you know- in a coma (but even so, I probably should have. For the last six months I'd been stuck in my childhood home barely doing anything).

"There's Sha's car." I said, pointing ahead to the almost rusty looking brown Honda Accord. It definitely wasn't the prettiest sight with a dented side door and cracked windshield.

MJ pulled up beside it, barely taking the keys out of the ignition before she was jumping out of the car. I followed suit, almost forgetting our bags.

We stood there for a moment, just looking at the exterior of the large building in front of us. MJ told me they had hidden a car that wasn't tied to any of our name's (real or fake) that was fueled and ready to take us out of the city. Either to get us to an airport or drive us all away to the border. Although we should have been booking it out of New York by now, especially with Ben having been sighted by Flash; MJ and I stood there. Both of us seemed to not want to go. We prepared but we never thought it'd actually come to this.

"C'mon." MJ said, tilting her chin up. A determined gleam came in her eye.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out, looking over at my wife. I still couldn't believe she had stuck me out this long.

MJ turned around, beautiful green eyes meeting mind. Her brows furrowed as she cocked her head at me. "What?"

I scratched the back of my head, the bag I was carrying sliding down my arm. "I know you never wanted this life. That's the whole reason why we dated on and off for years. You couldn't handle the superhero life. You were always worried about my safety. Now, you have to worry about me and yourself. I mean, you had to even before all this, but not to this extent. I'm-"

"Peter," MJ said, walking up to me and cupping my cheek. I leaned into the warmth of her smooth skin. "I'm with you to the end. No matter what. I don't know if I could have lived without you anyway, to be honest." A smile twisted onto her features as a fond look came over her face. "I told you a long time ago you hit the jackpot, Tiger"

Cupping her hand with mine, I tenderly kissed her fingers. "And I've never felt more grateful."

MJ's smile widens and our faces started leaning toward each other. I start to tilt my head when my enhanced hearing picks up footsteps and heavy breathing. I pull away from MJ, looking up as my hands enclose around her arms. On one hand, I feel a nostalgic giddiness come over me at my powers slowly getting stronger again. But the instincts they bring up can really ruin the moment.

"Guys!" Sha said, coming around the building with a distraught look on her face. "Is Flash with you?"

MJ stepped forward, frowning. "Uh, no... because he's with you..."

Sha shook her head, her straight black hair whipping back and forth in her ponytail. "He said he was catching a ride and to come straight here. That was right after he sent the Ben warning and then he went radio silent."

"Shit." I muttered while MJ's eyes widened. I could hear her heart rate pick up and I tried to ignore it. I shook my head, trying to distract myself as Sha's and my own were picked up by my sensitive ears.

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