P1: Chaptet 19

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So... a little later than I wanted to post. But: 7719 words. Story's a little choppy, but I hope u like it!!

Flash (random safe house in Brooklyn)

Sirens seemed to pierce the air every couple of minutes, although that could have just been my paranoia. The police have been swarming New York, searching for Sha and I. MJ and I were able to get to one of the safe houses without much fuss, although that was mostly thanks to Ti. I was still wary the whole way here. I was worried how much sway Ben had. And with my name shouted out of every news channel, it was sure to get S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention.

They're probably already searching. I thought, scanning from the window, looking for signs of anything suspicious. Although this whole neighborhood was suspicious.

The dingy two-room safe house reminded me of someplace Deadpool would have resided. It probably was, or used to be. There wasn't enough... clutter for it to currently be in the mercenary's care. MJ and I arrived sometime around midnight. No sign of Peter and Sha. I told MJ to get some sleep soon after we arrived. I knew I wouldn't be able to, might as well let someone use this quiet to rest. I doubted we'd be getting much of it once for a while.

Although MJ seemed as restless as I was. She slept fitfully throughout the rest of the night before rising with the dawn. She now paced behind the couch, her boots thudding softly with each step. It might have been a soothing rhythm if I wasn't constantly aware of her stress levels.

I found out Ti had that ability a little after getting into all of... this. Sha had a panic attack one evening and he tuned in on it. Subconsciously, apparently. He can only do it around people we have a connection with. He starts to worry about emotional health alongside physical. I found it endearing although a little disturbing after I endured the panic attack with Sha, not knowing which emotions were who's.

Now, though, it was annoying. My stress was coexisting with MJ's stress. Not that I blamed Ti or MJ. Ti didn't really understand how this power worked, seeing how little it seemed to come up. It only worked in extreme emotional cases. MJ was just worried. This whole thing with Ben had to have been a strain on her. She's technically dead, having a gravestone alongside Peter Parker's. Since we haven't had contact with Peter and Sha for two days, the case of Peter being dead might actually be true.

I winced thinking about Peter and Sha. Peter had been furious when I suggested with split up- Sha and him while MJ came with me. I knew he didn't trust me. At least, trust Ti. Although I understood Peter had a history with symbiotes, I'd hope his trust in me would persuade him to give Ti a chance.

He went with it, did he not? Ti spoke up. Although I could feel half his focus was still on MJ. In the end, he does trust you... although it might not be warranted.

I grunted, a frown narrowing my features. If you can help it, you mean?

I was referring to you giving away knowledge to Ben in extremely idiotic dumbfounded buffoonery.

A wince escaped me at his description. Ben's knowing look was still plastered in my memory. I doubt I'd let myself live that down, much less those around me. I swear I never had a big mouth before.

As for Peter's desperate need to be purified. Ti went on, making me stiffen. Have I tried to "harm" him in the past year or so since he's been injured? I gave you my word and I won't go back on it. I understand that my instincts might be harmful to him. It is why I promised in the first place. Even if it goes against my very nature.

I winced again hearing Ti's accusing tone, knowing he was right. Guilt ate at the corners of my consciousness. Even though my relationship with Peter was now strained, it shouldn't change anything between me and Ti. I still trusted my partner to have my- along with my friends'- back(s). Even after everything I've done to him. Locking him up away without any say. It was... honestly disgusting of me. I see how wrong I was now. Ti was a good symbiote. I was a bad partner. Although I could change, be like I was when we were AntiVenom. Even better, really. This I vowed.

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