P2: Prologue

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A/N I didn't put much effort into this but I hope you guys like the new perspective (this is like Jean's only POV chapter).

Jean DeWolff

The city roared all around me. New York was never quiet. As a little girl, I sometimes was afraid of the noise. Especially those first few months of moving into the city. I was used to the peace of the country. Everyone was friendly out there. In small town communities, everyone knew everyone. This made everyone family.

Not in New York. Sure, there was always the friendly stranger here and there. But mostly, the burrows were hostile. I couldn't just wave or say 'hello', that would only make people suspicious of you.

So, as a little girl, the pieces easily connected in my mind. Quiet meant friendly. Noise meant hostility.

I'd learn later that New York did have its quiet moments. And they were not friendly.

Before then, I had my pops. He chuckled at my kid logic, reassuring me that the noise wasn't as bad as I put it.

"Jeanie Beanie, you don't have to be scared of the noise." Pops said, trying to look at me from where I hid under my bed. "The city is just trying to talk to you, kiddo. It wants you to hear its story."

I looked up at the night sky now, wondering what Pops would do in my situation. The city would always be a mess, especially now with freaks and heroes coming out of the woodwork. Normal police will never be enough now. Looking down at my badge clutched in my hands, I wonder if we're doing anything. S.H.I.E.L.D. stepped in more times than not. When they don't, the casualty count bot higher, any victory feeling diminished.

I try hard to keep the peace. It doesn't last. Never will. Yet... I felt it was getting better. A new age is upon the horizon, I can feel it. Just a few days ago, I thought it was for the better. The city was getting cleaner, the rust starting to recede.

But then the city called out to me, just like Pops said.

"How's it hangin', Blue Jeans?"

I whipped around at that annoying voice. There he was, in all his blue and red glory. Those wide white eyes stared at me, almost tauntingly. The man behind a mystery to me.

"Cut the lame jokes, Bug. We got a job to do and I don't need the chit chat while we're doing it." I turned around, letting Spider-Man's response drown out with all of the other noise in the city.

"Hey, Captain?" A voice spit out from the radio on my hip.

I click a button. "Yeah, James?"

"Uh... I don't know if he's showing," came the response from her patrol partner.

"He'll show." I said before cutting it off. I put my badge back on and leaned back on my hands. "Whoever he is."

"Why didn't you notice?" A voice behind me mumbled.

"You're all bite, aren't ya, Blue."

A sound, distinct over the buzz of New York. A thwip. Then a thud. The smallest tension went throughout my body. I hadn't felt this way since those first few years of knowing Spider-Man. It took a while to trust someone I've never seen. But now a face flashed through my mind. Pale skin. Sharp features. Green eyes.

Dark, brown hair.

"You needed me, oh captain, my captain?" A voice said, familiar. Yet... not.

Doubt. It got you killed out on the field. The slightest hesitation marking your deathday. Yet I felt it now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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