P1: Chapter 20

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A/N: PLEASE READ!! this chapter takes place a little later in the fic. You can't tell from reading this chapter, but it's been a few days since Flash, MJ, and Peter were captured. After this chapter it will follow Teresa and Felicia for a while to catch up with where Peter is at. This chapter is short, the next will also be (well, I plan for it to be). However, the next part I plan to make them longer. Enjoy!

Peter: (there in a car, well, prison-like transport thing)

Ringing, tingling. The song of danger thundered in my head.

I barely managed to suppress a groan as the aches came to me as my consciousness awoke. My spider sense blared at me, beating over and over in my head. I was in danger, obviously. I could feel the cuffs forcing my arms behind my back at an uncomfortable angle. My feet seemed cemented to the floor. But I barely registered the feeling of it as my spider sense... told me. It was strange. It wasn't using any words, but I felt it shushing me to stay still. Stay calm. Action will only make things worse.

And I could... not hear, not see, but... sense everything around me. I was in a box. That's... okay, yeah, that's the only way I could describe it. I was in a small, rumbling box with eight other people. There was a small opening up by the front where there was another box with two people inside. The rumbling would thump and jerk at moments, sometimes idling. The two people in the other box were sitting, something was in front of them. It seemed like... oh, that's an engine. We're in a truck. Duh.

What the fuck is going on? I wanted to panic but my spider sense just freaked out even more, showing me more... details? In the box I was in were two benches. I was in the middle of one bench, one person sat to my right, two others to my left. The people directly beside me were idle. My spider sense... pinged(?) them as... allies/friends/companions. Seriously, what's going on? Everyone else was a danger to varying levels, active. Heavily armed too. Knives, tasers, guns. Okay, stop, STOP! My eyes are closed and my ears are ringing! I should not know this about my surroundings.

Maybe I'm just imagining things. I thought, probably got hit in the head, now I was in la la land.

Yet when I opened my eyes into slits (against the strong suggestions of my spider sense) I saw the same picture that I'd been imagining, only in color now. Armored guards sat bunched together, their bulky figures comical on the small benches. Discreetly, I looked over to my right to see MJ knocked out. Her head lolled. Her right eyes black, making me feel feral rage for a moment. Her arms and legs restrained. Although there were many weaknesses in them. If she was conscious, I found there were four ways she could break out of the ones around her wrists. Within her skill limit. Three of them used a tool. Such as a bobby pin. The other one uses force by getting the cuffs between-

Okay, what?

Yet the tingly went on, forcing my muscles to stay lax. The buzzing in my head (which was so intense it was becoming painful) kept on mapping out everything that was around me. Mostly telling me what was the most dangerous thing to the least dangerous. My stomach clenched, not used to this sensation.

Great, now I'm going to hurl. Won't that be the best first impression on these guards. I almost groaned when my spider sense... scolded(?) me for thinking that. It was impractical to throw up.

... what?! I exclaimed, the urge to scream overtaking me (and then receding. Because again impractical. Although I'm getting the impression my spider sense means stupid). What even happened? How am I... here?

Blissfully, my spider sense stilled at the thought. I almost didn't hold back by sigh of relief. My head throbbed from the over stimulation. But I was in control of the input again. Well, not really. Still heightened senses that could easily bring sensory overload- but that's not the point!

I looked over at MJ again, wishing I could get her support. I almost immediately felt guilty when I saw her black eye. I did that. Maybe not directly, but indirectly. Her pain was because of me. She wouldn't be in this situation without me. Or Flash. Or Sha-


It felt like I was sucker punched as everything came back in incredibly sharp detail. Running. Fighting. Jean. More running. Running. A shit ton of running (even if we weren't actually running the whole time). Ben. Fighting. Brawling. S.H.I.E.L.D. Satisfaction. Roof. Ben- no. Spider-Man. Fighting. Stabbing! Sha...

"I love you." Her last words. I hoped they were her last words anyway. When Ben had snatched her right out of Flash's arms -when Flash roared and went full symbiote- I almost joined him. Instincts locked onto me then, turning my vision red. I remember the pain of seeing Sha fall. The emotions and thoughts. She was clutter/family. Defend. Protect. Enemy. Threat! Help! Save! Failed...

Too many emotions rained through me at that moment. My spider sense had started... talking(?) when I attacked Ben. It had taken over my entire thought process when he confronted us as Spider-Man on the roof with S.H.I.E.L.D circling. A battle strategy was formed in my head without any thought, pure instinct. It took me over then. Securing the gun. Taking the helicopter out before taking on Ben. Looking back, I realized that it had taken over when I was in the apartment too. It told me exactly when to strike and dodge. The song of danger helped me stay safe. It told me how to hurt or kill... kill Ben. Stabbing-

I almost jolted in my seat when I remembered the stinging pain come from my wrist before the oh-so-satisfying squelch as I stabbed Ben with-

My fingers twitched as I tried to flex my wrist, to feel the pain of my stingers (stringers? When did I get stingers, anyway?!) coming out for the first time. Somehow I knew it wouldn't hurt this time, at least on my right wrist. The left still had the seal on it. But my arm wouldn't budge. Wrist to elbow, my entire forearm was encased. Guess they aren't taking any chances. But even as I was thinking this my spider sense had slowly crawled back to its insistent thinking. My headache turned into sharp pain instead of a low throb. It was reevaluating its first assessment, second guessing...

Left. Enemy/friend ?? No. Threat/friend. Ally. Dangerous. Potential pain/hurt. Friend-

I slowly (be discreet!) looked over to my left to see what was making my spider sense confused and saw Flash heavily strapped down. A green light cascaded over him. Seeing this detail, my spidey sense calmed somewhat. Flash was sedated, his symbiote locked away. He couldn't hurt me, but he couldn't help either.

This situation is a mess. Although my spider sense was attempting to find a solution... somehow, all it did was make me feel like I was having a sensory overload. The corners of my vision were going dark as it tried to puzzle over a solution to get me to safety. Not like it mattered. S.H.I.E.L.D. had us now. Which means Ben had me right where he wanted. He'd kill me, probably MJ and Flash in the process. He already did it to Sha. My friends. My clutter/family. All I did was put them in harm's way when I accepted their help.

I should have left them. Actually, I should have died. Then Sha would still be alive. Flash and her would be able to have a life. MJ... MJ would get over it. Get over me. She was always the stronger of us. All three would be happy, instead they'd soon be joining the Spider-Man graveyard.

My spider sense really didn't like my negative thought process. It rang louder, making my brain feel like it was being stung by hundreds of bees. I opened my mouth to scream out but I was blissfully sucked back down into unconsciousness.

Well, at least I'll be well rested before my execution. Right?

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