P1: Chapter 9

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Felicia: (Location: hidden lair in New York, April 28, night)

Tipping my head back, I took a bite from my chocolate covered strawberry. When I brought my gaze back down, I chewed as I gave the tv a satisfied look.

"...last night the upper floors of Fisk Tower were aflame. Thankfully, our reporters indicated that no lives were lost. The floors had been abandoned for the gala taken place on the lower levels. Still, it is a mystery how it started. Police say there was no electrical shortages or open wires that could have started the fire. They have stated that the fire started in Wilson Fisk's office. Other than that, no other evidence has been released, making people wonder exactly what took place here last night. Could a political enemy have done this? Or an old employee? Or are the claims that Fisk is the Kingpin the Crime be right and one of his rivals had tried to take him out? Now we go to Phil who is on scene at..."

I could feel the dangerous yet smug smile on my face as I remembered the upper floors of Fisk Tower erupt into flames for the thousandth time. I could fall asleep to reporters laying down all the facts they knew, smug that only Fisk would truly know who had done it. He couldn't rat me out either. Sure, he had the security tapes, but I'd left with so much dirt on him I was able to go unscratched for a while now.

"You know what they say, Willie." I said as Fisk came on the screen. I sunk my half eaten strawberry into powder sugar, eyes never leaving the screen. "Never let the Black Cat cross your path. Or-" I sunk back and chewed my strawberry thoroughly. "You get the claws. Or in these case," I felt my eyes gleam and the warehouse around me turned into shades of green. "You get the flames."

I will never forget painstakingly climbing into Willie's extravagant office. My snapped wrist had been dripping blood while my bone was on the verge of sticking out. The violent headache was the only thing that stopped me from reliving the memory over and over. My rage from that night almost scared me, but I relished in it when my skin had vibrated with power. It had been the biggest display of my abilities so far. I remember the aura of green almost forming a forcefield around me. Then it started to waver. I thought it was fading when in reality it sizzled. Just imagine my surprise when the office had burst into instant green flames that quickly turned to normal red.

I looked down at my now braced wrist. You would think I'd need a cast, or surgery, or something. But my powers had flared up again when Bruno had drove away in our getaway van.

Doc, not at all that kind of doctor, had said he could call up a buddy of his to get my arm working in full condition again. I'd still been reeling from the instant flames I'd made. And just thinking about the new level my powers were at, my wrist was suddenly (and might I add painfully) resetting back into place. Just a sprain when we got to a professional.

I didn't understand it. I still don't. My powers never worked liked this before. Usually one could chalk it up to a coincidence. Now I was manifesting fire from nothing but my abilities alone. My bones were resetting with no outside help.

They always said the black cat was a witch's best friend.

I couldn't get rid of the smug smile on my face as I ate the last strawberry and made my way over to our bar, eyeing the wide array of wine.

"Well, if it isn't the Queen of Luck herself!"

I looked over to see Bruno with his arms spread out. Doc slinked in behind him and made his way over to the couch, slumping into the expensive material.

"What's the matter, Doc?" I asked as I took my seat again. "Sad you didn't get to see the Kingpin's reaction live?"

Doc's eyes flickered to the tv where Willie was having a press conference. He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "It'd been inspirational, for sure." He drawled, making me smirk and Bruno snicker.

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