P1: Chapter 13

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Flash: (Around same time as Peter & MJ are in the car. Veteran center around where Flash lives? Idk, kinda like the place Sam worked at in Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

"It's good to see you taking interest, Corporal."

I looked up at Sargent Jones with a genuine smile. Only Sha seemed to bring this happiness out of me lately. And that was on rare occasions.

"It was my pleasure. I want to be doing something worth while. Instead of sitting in the house all day and getting fat."

"Oh, don't sell yourself short, Flash." Santos said, looking down at me with a smile. "Even without your legs you're always on the move. This guy won multiple wheelchair races. Heck, I've never seen anyone have bigger arm muscles than you."

I blushed. I'd always been a cocky person during high school and college. Though the army mellowed me out for awhile I went back to my old ways when I returned to civilian life. But when I went back in, and I lost my legs, my cloud nine way of living hit earth rather quickly. I used to preen at compliments. Now, I felt guilty I got any spotlight after how I treated Peter and other kids during my younger years.

"Well, either way. I'm glad you're here." Sargent Jones said. He nodded his head into a room with other Vets talking to each other. "I'll admit, I took interest into your story when Santos came here. I believe you could be a good role model for these guys. Show them that there is still a place for them in the civilians' world. That they can go on with life happy and healthy even after all the hardships."

"Thank you, Sargent." I smiled. Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

Again! That's like the third time now!

I might not understand human technology much. Ti spoke up, my smile froze as I tried to ignore him and listen to the Sargent and Santos' conversation. But actually looking at your phone an answering whoever is trying to contact you might make them shut up.

Ugh, later. This is important.

May I remind you, you are harboring a dead guy and his wife with a highly unstable clone out for his head. That is more important than sad servicemen.

Oh, you shut it. I snapped, knowing full well what these people have seen and are going through now. You've done enough damage.

After our talk (more like argument), Ti had softened a little. He'd been more agreeable and wouldn't say as many snide remarks. But then Peter and I argued and he ran off. After that, I've been a little sour towards Ti. I know I'm probably not being far, especially since he was starting to get snippy back.

Another buzz came from my phone. I felt my jaw lock up. But a twinge of panic went up inside me though.

I cleared my throat, looking up at the Sargent and Santos. It was a small detail, but I missed being the tallest person in the room. I gave them a tight smile when they gave me their full attention.

"If you'll excuse me a second, Sargent..."

"Of course, Corporal. Take your time." Sargent Jones gave a nod and smile.

"Thank you, sir. It's just a phone call."

I wheeled away to a reclusive area of the veteran center. I got my phone out and saw four messages from the group chat and two from Sha.

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