P1: Chapter 8

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Warning: slight trigger warning (I think, it's super light. Nothing descriptive, I don't write mature books, I just wanted to put it out there)

Peter: (Still New York, around 15 minutes from last chapter)

Shoving my hands into my pockets, I kept my head down and hood up. I bet I looked weak, like a good victim for a mugger. But in reality, my fists tightened in my pockets, inching for a fight. My eyes lingered in the dark alleys, looking for a target and his unlucky prey.

This neighborhood is usually overrun with crime. I mused to myself. I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out. It was a text message from MJ. I dismissed it quickly, not wanting to be distracted.

Just as my gaze was about to leave my phone, I felt a great force come across my shoulder. Instinctively, I shoved back with a hint of my strength, making a dude and his date slam into a wall.

"What the hell is your problem, man?" The guy sneered, bringing his girlfriend roughly behind him. He looked like he belonged in a biker gang. Big burly muscles, frizzy beard, and a heavy leather jacket.

I put my hands up, stepping away. "Sorry." My eyes flew around, my mind not really in the interaction.

"Next time, watch where you're fucking going, cripple." He sneered, tugging on his woman's arm.

Cripple? I frowned, looking down at the boot before rolling my eyes. Seriously?

I was about to just shrug it off when the woman looked back at me. She kinda reminded me of MJ. Straight red hair flew around her shoulders and the dress she wore would indicate she liked clubbing. MJ could dance the night away. Before...

My eyes darkened and I about looked away when the woman turned around. Her eyes looked at me frantically and her expression was fearful. I felt my brows furrow just as the biker dude tugged harshly on her arm, making her cry out as he pulled her into an alley.

Definitely not girlfriend.

Looking around quickly, I started to jog over where the two disappeared, ignoring how my foot shot painful spikes up my leg. My heart started to race at a steady beat.

"Please, don't- agh!" I looked in the alley to see Biker Dude slam the woman into the wall. Her head snapped back and I heard a crack. My eyes widened as my enhanced smell caught a whiff of blood.

Here we go. I thought, walking into the alley.

"Shut your trap, bitch. You'll like this soon enough." Biker Dude grumbled, reaching down.

"Hey, I don't think she wants to do that." I call out before he could take it a step further.

The guy's head snapped over to me and he sneered. "Scram, cripple." He jutted his head away. I just scowled.

"First off, it's offensive to call a person with a disorder a cripple. And to assume I have one. Honestly, I just stubbed my toes." I said, raising the boot.

"Hilarious, now run off." Biker Dude said, turning back to the woman who started to fidget. "This doesn't concern you." He said, addressing me. Though his tone was toward the woman as he licked his lips.

"Yeah, I don't think so." I said. My moves were fluid as I ran forward and punched him with my just healed hand.

He went flying back, falling into garbage bags. For a minute he laid still before squirming around with a groan

I lowered my fists, sneering. I'd almost hit him with all my strength. Any other day, he'd be unconscious.

My spider sense started to ring. Though it was soft. It wasn't warning me of danger coming but voicing that it didn't think this was such a good idea.

I felt my confidence waver just a little, but it was enough to distract me. I didn't focus on Biker Dude again until I heard a click. I saw him standing and looked down at his hand to see a black pocket knife dangling from his fist.

"Bad move. cripple." He growled, advancing. My spider sense went off, making me wince. It seemed more sensitive now.

Please tell me I'm not getting a sensory overload.

As he made his way toward me, I instinctively took a step back. Biker Dude made a snarl-like smile, his eyes glinting. He was a foot in front of me when he reached his hand out beside him. His hand clenched around the woman's throat. Her uneasy expression turned fearful as her air was cut off. Her hands came up to claw at his arm when he suddenly threw her back deeper into the alley. A faint yelp escaped her as she crashes down.

"Hey, watch it!" I warned, looking over his shoulder to see if she was alright. My spider sense was suddenly blaring. Taking a step to the left, I leaned back just as the knife slashes the air.

"Worry about yourself, cripple." Biker Dude sneered as he came at me again.

I easily dodged three more of his clumsy attacks before he came at me with a punch. I caught it, feeling triumphant when my spider sense blared again.

Biker Dude suddenly brought his fist back, pulling me with it. I let go, trying to get away when the hand I had a hold of was suddenly on my neck as his other one stabbed me in my stomach.

Yelping, I try to pull back but he just rams me into the wall. He brings our foreheads together, his tobacco breath brushed against my face.

"On second thought," he whispered. I felt my spider sense ring as I heard the zip of his jeans coming undone. "What if I-"

Without wasting time, I brought both hands up and slammed them against his ears with my enhanced strength. He screamed out, backing away. I brought my leg up and kicked him into the other wall. His neck snapped back and he fell into an unconscious heap.

I took a deep breath, my injury flaring up. I winced before looking down to see my blood drooling out.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" The woman said, getting up. She took her sweater off and brought it up to the wound, the pressure helped ease the blood flow.

"I-I didn't see him stub you. I-I th-thought you had all under control." The woman said, tears in her eyes.

I immediately thought of MJ and felt immense guilt.

I was almost killed. Or- I winced at the thought. Closing my eyes, I leaned against the wall. The red head in front of me guided my hands to my wound and helped me press my fingers to it. She then let go, making my eyes open to see her looking hesitantly at me.

"This bitch broke my phone, but my friend owns a store a street over. I can go over and call 911." She said, backing out of the alley with jittery movements like she wanted to run. Her worry eyes locked in with mine. "Will you be okay here? He won't..." She looked down at the unconscious heap in the corner.

I gave her a smile but it probably looked like a grimace. "Yeah," I hated how hoarse my voice was. It was just a fucking stab wound. "I'm fine. Go."

The lady was off. When I could hear her foot falls quiet, I groaned and sank to the ground. I knew I couldn't be here by the time she got back, but all I needed was a couple seconds to catch my breath.

Well that was embarrassing. But what else is new, huh, Parker? I looked over at Biker Dude. I only won by dumb luck, not my skills or powers. Hell, I won by using a cheap shot. I doubt the Goblin or Doc Ock would go down with a double ear clap.

I sighed, letting my head thud against the wall.

Well, there's no way I'm going back to eat with MJ and Flash. Who am I kidding? I can never show my face to then ever again.

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Ok, the cringe not as bad as I thought it would be. Hopefully I wrote it okay. I've had like two fight scenes. Teresa's being the only good one. Let me know your thoughts on how it's going.

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