P1: Chapter 6

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Flash: (SoHo apartment)

I'm going to hurl.

"I told you cheese puffs and chocolate don't mix." I mutter before gagging into the toilet again. I was really trying to keep it down but I could feel it climbing up my throat.

Hey, it wasn't that bad at first. It just got old quickly.

Your getting old quickly.

Excuse me. Ti snapped. But we are doing the opposite. Symbiotes age slower than humans. And even though I "feed" off you. You're feeding off me to slow your aging down.

Isn't that just from the healing factor that derives from our powers?

My healing powers. You're just a roach feeding off me.

Please stop saying the word feed. I said, my stomach twisting at the word. I stared down at the shiny toilet again. Sha Shan had just cleaned it but it wouldn't last long with my gag reflex wanting to hurl everything I had in the last 12 hours. And once I started throwing up, I couldn't stop. The slightly digested food reminded me of the grotesque stuff I saw when I was stationed over-

And there it goes. Ti deadpanned as everything inside me rushed up. Oh, how I hated the stupid burning sensation clawing at my throat during and after a good hurl.

Maybe we're sick? Ti suggested, still not convinced that he was the reason for my pain.

Yeah, maybe I have a parasite or something.

Impossible. No parasite could slip into you with me- Ti cut himself off. I could tell he was glaring.

"Feeling's mutual." I rasped. Grunting, I turned away from the toilet and slumped down on the tile floor. I looked over at my wheelchair miserably. I was not looking forward to climbing back into it.

You know, you don't have to use the wheelchair. Ti said. I swallowed, feeling my stomach twist again.

Round two. I thought, using my powerful arm muscles to pull me over the toilet. My nose wrinkled at the smell, though I've smelt worse. Why can't our healing factor take care of disgust? I commented to Ti, hoping to get him off subject.

Because disgust isn't a wound or disease. He grumbled. I know what your doing, by the way.

No idea what you're talking about.

Ti huffed. You know, it's almost been two years since we were Agent AntiVenom. I've been hiding within you since then. The way he said it made me feel kinda guilty.

I know. I said softly, getting ready to hurl again.

Just when I was about to let it go, there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Sweetie!"

I clamped my mouth shut, not wanting Sha to catch me throwing up. That just made it come up my nose.

I opened my mouth obediently, letting it spew out 2 (3?) ends.

You're using the sinus rinse. Ti said. I don't care if you're "allergic" to the water solution. That's disgusting.

I swallowed dryly. Noted.

"Flash?!" Sha's voice came from the other side of the door.

Grimacing, I raised my head to the doorway. "I'm fine, Sha." I licked my lips, trying to ignore the taste. "Just-" I slumped on the floor. "Did something stupid."

Like listen to my symbiote's stupid cravings.

Deserved. Ti hissed.


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