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Beer drunk, snacks eaten, hands washed Nick retrieved his prepped tray of materials as Steve got himself comfy, as comfy as he could with his outstretched booted leg hindering his movement.

"Right, tonight I'm going to start on the yellow tulips", picking up a prepared centre that he'd made that morning and testing it to see if it was dry enough to work on, Nick was satisfied, grabbing some pale yellow flower paste, two rollers, two green boards, petal cutters and balling tools, he placed one set down in front of a slightly confused looking Steve.

Looking on as Nick rolled the paste thinly out on the board using a thin layer of cornflour to stop it sticking, Steve tried to concentrate on the dark haired mans hands and not let his gaze drift to that handsome face.

Deftly cutting several petals, laying them on a hard yellow sponge, Nick used the rounded end of the balling tool to run a circular motion over the petal base then around the edges making it curl around creating a hollow, bringing the petal to life.
Next came the veiner, a rubber stamp that was pressed into the petal leaving faint ridges along it's length.
Lastly taking a small brush he dipped it into a pot and brushed it on the petal before placing the newly modelled petal onto the centre, moulding it to form an upside down cone shape.

"Voila, one tulip centre".

Nick looked over at the man who was totally focused, as if in a trance, he chuckled as he waved a hand in front of his face and Steve suddenly came to.

"That.... was...... amazing to watch".

The honey eyed man breathed out heavily as if he'd been holding it all that time, "can I try?".
"Sure let's get you going you can use some of these petals", carefully transferring some to another yellow sponge he placed them in front of Steve.

Fumbling with the balling tool Steve eventually got the right grip, following what Nick was doing he watched his every move across the table, "fuck", hissing as yet another hole appeared in the delicate paste his nose scrunched in annoyance, looking over Nick smiled a little at the cute flustered face.

"You're pressing too hard let me come over and show you", rising from his seat Nick came round the table, Steve shivered at the feel of the man close to his back as he leaned over placing his hand over Steves, connecting their fingers as he guided the hand, the tool moving in a gentle circular movement creating the perfect hollow.

"Th-Thanks" Steve flushed, turning his face slightly his gaze rested on Nicks cheek two inches away, the sexy stubble, the sculpted cheekbones and deep chocolate eyes set his heart thumping.

For an instant he could imagine that sexy stubble grazing his chin, the full pink lips on his, dark seductive eyes meeting his with a hungry gaze, the feel of that slim body pressing against hi...........!.

Snapping out of his trance pulling his hand gently away he swallowed deeply, "I th-think I've got it now".

Nick nodded and drew back, returning to his seat as the air in the room  crackled with tension.

Working on in silence the buzzing of attraction between them was strangely not uncomfortable, Steve soon got the hang of tulips and before they knew it, that evenings 'masterclass' was over and as the clock struck ten they packed up.

Nick stretched and yawned, "blimey we've been at it for four hours" he blinked at the clock.

Hearing a stifled laugh he gazed at Steve who was rocking in his chair laughing quietly.

"Did you hear what you just said?", Steve chuckled as his face lit up with mischief, "we've been at it for four hours hahahaha, ooohhh sorry sorry, just my dirty overactive mind", he smiled wide at Nick who was now trying not to laugh as well as his tired brain finally clicked.

"That did sound a bit bad didn't it, good job no one's listening behind the door", Nick sighed looking over at the scruffy haired honey eyed comedian.

"Aaaaaahhh you're curiously good company Steve Bailey", he smiled as he settled his arms back on the table.

"Likewise Nick Dance".

Shifting in his seat hitting his heel on the floor Steve suddenly groaned, "ow ow ow bloody dead leg", face contorting as he struggled to stand, he fell slightly sideways, clutching the chair to steady himself Nick sprang from his seat to catch the mans arm before he tumbled over entirely.


Nick chuckled as the man looked up into his eyes, his honey orbs seemingly staring right into his soul before dropping slowly, but not before a spark had ignited in his brain.

"I better get going my taxi will be here in a minute", Steve sighed, "it's a pain not having the bike".

With one last look he hobbled out of the door cursing his dead leg as Nick followed, "see you tomorrow?". his visitor looked at him with hopeful eyes, "yeah, same time same place!" Nick smiled.

"Be there or be square!" Steve laughed.

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