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One more year passed, Corinne, Hugo and Mary had formed a friendship of sorts, not 'dinner and drinks' close, but civil, although Steve still didn't trust Corinne enough to invite her to the wedding.
Something sat uneasily inside him where his mother was concerned, he couldn't put his finger on it, there was just something.

Baby Jazz was starting to walk, turning into a pretty dark wavy haired girl with dark chocolate eyes, just like her angel aunty, Katherine, taking Zaks genes on that one, mirroring his dark eyes and hair.
Zak and Chloe were expecting their second child.

Linda and James became 'nanna and grampy Dance', reveling in their new roles, sharing days out and babysitting with nonna Mary and grandad Hugo, and occasionally grandma Corinne.

Sasha passed her course and took over a lot of Steve and Nicks work, she and Jase were engaged and had moved into the flat above the shop when Nick and Steve moved out to a house they'd bought jointly not far away.

Claire still worked at the shop part time and had become a friend, not as close as Sasha though, the sister connection belonged exclusively to her.

With only a week til their wedding Steve and Nick were hard at work making their own wedding cake, it's not that they didn't trust Sasha with the job they just wanted to do it themselves, a collaboration of minds and hearts.

Steve had acquired a new tattoo, a full stretch pair of angel wings across his shoulders, a perfect copy of Nicks in tribute to his guardian angel and to his niece that bore her name.

Steve had acquired a new tattoo, a full stretch pair of angel wings across his shoulders, a perfect copy of Nicks in tribute to his guardian angel and to his niece that bore her name

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Nick sat nervously twiddling his fingers in the back of his parents car, the burgundy ribbons fluttered in the wind as they made their way to the venue, Shaw House, drawing in a deep long breath he then exhaled loudly in an attempt to calm the colony of bats flapping around in his gut.

Turning into the car park they were followed by Hugo and Marys car decorated with identical burgundy ribbons, and a huge bow attached to the front.

Yes ok, two ribboned cars wasn't the usual, but hey they weren't usual, they were different, crazy, special and unique.

As the cars pulled up in line next to each other Steve and Nick stepped out just staring at each other in rapture, as if seeing each other for the first time.

Steve in his light blue suit, black shoes, white shirt and blue tie with an fossil motif and stargazer lily in his buttonhole, hair still crazy bed head style but short, looked at Nick with such an adoring gaze you could almost see the glitter flying through the air and landing in the others eyes.

Nick, HIS Nick.

He breathed out in awe as he took in the figure of the man standing facing him.
The now fully conker brown hair cut into a neat skin fade at the back, longer and tousled on the top, the dark blue suit, black shoes, white shirt and matching tie, and of course a stargazer lily.

The honey brown eyes met the chocolate brown and held the gaze and the sparks flew.

"Hey Mr Bailey".

"Hey Mr Dance".

Steve let out a heavy breath, approaching Nick he took both hands in his, gently rubbing his thumbs over the mans knuckles.

"I know you said we didn't have to change our names, but.......
I want to be Steven Dance, in honour of Katie, she kept us together", Nick stared at his pleading eyes nodding, a single tear quivering at the corner of each eye.

"I would be honoured to call you Steven Dance".

Hand in hand they entered the wedding room filled with the most important people in their lives, Steve felt a bit bad he hadn't invited his mother but that couldn't be helped now, as baby Jazz giggled they read their own binding vows.

"Steven Hugo Bailey, from the moment you walked in to my shop, and to this day you have been there for me, loved me, supported me, brought me to life again, become my better half and showed me the truest meaning of love".
"I could never have believed my life would turn out like this, and I thank every star that you are in it, and I'm proud to take you as my husband".

Sniffles travelled round the room, even the registrar was wiping away tears.

"Nicholas James Dance, my wonderful Nick, from the day I first set eyes on you I knew I would make you mine whatever it took, you've been my light in the darkest times, my support, my confidant and you too have shown me the true meaning of love"
"I thank every star and my Guardian Angel Katie for bringing me to you, and I too am proud to take you as my husband, and to take your name, I Steven Dance will love you till the end of my days".

*Let Them Eat Cake*


Nick Dance
Steve Dance




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