🔞Sexy Dad Bod!🔞

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"Steeeeeve, you're a bad man, mmmmmm".

Nick felt a pinch on his nipple, then another, and a tiny bite on his earlobe, he shuddered as the tiny pains sent shocks straight to his not so sleepy dick.
Feeling his husband pushing against him his growing desire making itself known he groaned, even after almost 11 years his man still had the power to turn him completely to jelly.

"Mmmmmm your backside is still the peachiest on the planet, and sooooo so soft and warm", Steve crooned in his ear as he rotated his hips softly then deeply, pushing his fabric covered rock solid length between the cheeks of his lover.

Turning over facing his husband Nick grabbed Steves bum, pressing him into his hips, connecting the two now very awake sparring partners together, causing a loud breathy moan to eminate from his partner as he pressed his lips hard to his.

Breathing him in and tasting that popping candy all over again a hand came over to rest on his hip, gently squeezing.

Steve groaned in between kisses as Nick continued to probe his accepting mouth and tug on his bottom lip with his teeth.

"AAH, THAT'S NEW", Steve gasped, "you haven't done that before!".
Steves startled honey eyes darted up to look at Nick as he felt a finger slip inside his boxers and slide between the cheeks lightly dusting his rim, pushing just a little inside.

"Ooooohhhh god, ooooh, NICK, BLOODY HELL".

Arching his back violently as Nicks finger dipped further in followed by a second, slowly turning and twisting Steve bit down hard as a sharp intake of breath left his lips.

"I've been saving it for a special day, and this seems as good a day as any" Nick whispered in his ear.

"I've actually never done this before, so bear with me ok?!", he grinned a little shyly, "you're always so good to me, I want to try to make you feel on top of the world today".

"You're a father now, just relax and let me explore that sexy Dad Bod", he nipped Steves ear before pulling out his fingers momentarily to remove Steves boxers and his own.

"Lay on your back", Steve did as he was told, his heavily throbbing erection laying red against his whiter belly.
Throwing back the duvet the light nip in the air caused a tiny shiver that helped to increase the mood.

Steve naked and at full stretch was, to Nick, the definition of beautiful, alluring, magnetic.

Chest rising and falling with deep heaving breaths Steve moaned as Nick crawled between his open legs raising his lovers knees so his feet were flat on the bed.
Kneeling in between his lovers stocky thighs Nick ran his hands softly in gentle waves up the mans thighs, around his hips, up the sides of his torso, around his shoulders and down to his chest, taking his time to feel every muscle in detail, tracing his fingers over the defining lines, using his nails to sketch the shapes.

Steve was trembling, panting, eyes closed and lips parted as Nick ran his hands all the way back down then rested them on his hips, trying to raise his hands to touch his man Nick gently put them back down.

"Nuh-uh hands off, just for today I'm going to treat you, you don't have to do anything", Nick smiled as in between pants. Steve nodded his head.

"O-okay nnngggg", Steve twitched as those fingers once again found their target.
One, then another, slipped inside, causing him to jump slightly, he'd never had this done before, it was totally new to him and the amazing sensations were something else, weird at first but then so so nice.

As the fingers dove deeper his body arched as he gasped loudly, head rocking side to side being able to do nothing but groan.

Free hand massaging his lovers thigh, fingers digging deep as the skin trembled and the muscles twitched, Nick felt his own shaft twitch and ache at the sight of his lover, the ecstacy and the flush on his face exciting his own body.

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