Baker Boys!

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Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, as Steve parked the car he took a deep breath and patted his pocket, the gift sat snuggly in its box and a huge bunch of flowers rested on the seat beside him.
Today he was going to ask Nick a very important question.

"Morning Sasha".

Wandering into the shop with a big smile and even bigger bunch of roses Steve sighed happily.

"Oh hey, Mr romantic, you're back", Sasha, eyeing the roses pointed a finger at Steve, wagging it side to side, "you're not trying to sneak in to my brothers pants are you?", she sniggered, "well not my brother but you know what I mean", she laughed lightly.

Steve laughed, "no, no I'm not trying to get in his pants, I just missed him, I missed him a lot", pulling in a deep breath Steve closed his eyes and hummed as the aroma of freshly baked cake wafted through the air.
Gaze travelling to the workroom door he could hear Nick whistling cheerily, heart beating double time he jumped as Sasha tapped him on the arm, "go get your man", she winked.

Creeping through the workroom and into the kitchen at the back Steves eyes widened and his throat ran dry, Nick was bent down, shapely backside facing him, taking the first of three cakes out of the oven.

Faced with the lucious sight of Nicks perfect curvey bum and the faint outline of the CK boxers through his loose cotton trousers Steve just couldn't help himself.

"Mmm mmm mmm, those are some perfect buns".

Nick jumped almost dropping the freshly baked cake as the husky voice caught him off guard.

Straightening up to the sound of that sexy voice he tapped the oven door shut with his toe, setting the cake carefully down and throwing off the oven gloves he almost sprinted across the kitchen, throwing himself at the man in the doorway, arms wrapping around his shoulders as Steve pulled him in tight by the waist.

"Steve, fuck I've missed you".

Letting out something akin to a squeal at the sight of the massive bouquet of roses being presented to him he gasped, "oh my........ they're beautiful, I love them, ooooooooh".

Face pink he realised how he was acting, "I'm so sorry, did I sound girly?", hugging into the man he sighed, he'd missed that broad chest, just two weeks and he'd become completely smitten with this man who had burrowed into his heart and set up home.

"It's fine it's kind of cute, mmmmm I've missed you", Steve grinned pulling him in tighter.
"Are you nearly done for the day?, I have a surprise for you", he smiled and planted a kiss on the mans cheek.


Having prepped and baked the remaining two cakes, set them to cool and cleaned up the kitchen, Nick and Steve sat in the workroom, coffee in hand working their way through a packet of jaffa cakes.

"Nick, can I say something?".

Steve set his mug down and caught Nicks free hand in his, staring into his eyes and clearing his throat.

Nick felt himself freeze with a sudden nervousness.

Which way was this going to go?, oh hell, was he breaking up with him?, Shit shit shit!.

"Nick , I know we've only been together for two weeks".........Steve started as Nick held his breath just waiting for the rejection, his heart pounding as he stared at Steve.

"I just want to say...... how lucky I feel to have met you, I've fallen hopelessly totally in love with you Nick Dance and I want to give you this".

Pulling a small flat box from his pocket and holding it out Steves hopeful gaze rested on Nick, feeling all the built up tension melt away Nick took the box in his hand and opened it.

Laying on a pad of silk was a silver necklace, attached to the chain was a small spiral fossil, worn from centuries of existence, smooth yet rugged.

"It's not much I know", Steve spoke quietly as Nick met his gaze again, "I found it at the site in a gravel pile", catching Nicks chin he tilted his head up to look at him.

"It symbolises how I feel Nick, I want our love to be like this little fossil, weathering the passing of time and still solid after years of existence, I feel so strongly for you that I don't ever want to lose you, I want you to be my forever".

The air in the workroom hung still as a quiet sob came from the man with the red hair as he clutched the hand of the man he loved, trying to stop the tears was impossible, they had a mind of their own as they trickled down his face.

"I want that too, so so much, these past two weeks have been amazing, I want to be with you too, I don't want to ever leave you", Nicks voice, not much more than a whisper, sounded loud in the silence of the room.

Pulling away wiping the tears from his eyes Nick sniffled, "would you put this on for me?", holding up the necklace to Steve as the honey eyed man came round behind him, lifting his hair to allow him to put it on he hummed happily as strong arms slid over his shoulders and crossed over his chest.

"Will you officially be my partner?", Steve murmured in his ear as his warm breath caused a shiver to take his whole body.

Turning his face to meet those honey eyes with his teary chocolate brown ones Nick whispered, "you didn't even need to ask, I already am".

Closing his eyes he leaned into the pink lips of his love, a loving kiss to seal the deal.

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