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"Mr Bailey?".

Nick rose from his seat wiping his suddenly sweaty hands on his apron.

Entering the room limping slightly the man grinned a sexy lopsided grin.

"Hi, I hope you don't mind me popping in?", the honey eyed man flopped into a spare chair.

Noticing the man was wearing a 'boot' on one leg Nick raised his eyebrows.

He hadn't seen that the day before, because, he surmised, they'd been focused on the business of Chloes cake, absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he had spent a good portion of the hour they'd been there taking in every detail of Steves gorgeous face and honey eyes.

"Bloody thing, dragging this around is so damn tiring", Steve groaned then sat upright, "sorry for just turning up like this, if I'm interrupting please tell me to go", he looked up to Nick with apologetic eyes, the dark eyed man waving his concerns away.

"It's no problem at all, how can I help Mr Bailey?".

"Oh blimey please call me Steve, if you don't mind?", Steve laughed quietly.

Nick grinned "ok Steve if you don't mind", he laughed smiling at his own silly joke.

Steves face was a picture as he chuckled lightly, he really did like this man and his sense of humour, not to mention those gorgeous dark eyes.

"Ok ok let's start again, Hi I'm Steve Bailey very nice to meet you" he stuck his hand out towards Nick, with a laugh Nick grasped his hand in a sturdy handshake "Hi, I'm Nick Dance, it's good to meet you too".

Hanging onto that warm hand for a few seconds longer than he should've Steve pulled away gently then watched Nick walk back to his seat eyes taking in every detail, the broad back, the smooth shapely backside and the long long slim legs of the dark haired man.

"So, how can I help, is there something wrong with the arrangements, do we need to change anything? because if we do we'll need to do it now".

Nick sat back down and looked expectantly at his visitor.

"No no no that's all fine, actually I just wanted to ask a favour, could I help with the cake?".

Nick looked at him questioningly.

"I used to do war gaming in my spare time, you know painting the models and such", Steve continued, "I don't do it anymore but I've got nothing to do at the moment as I'm stuck with this", he slapped his boot playfully.

"I can't get out on the bike and I'm off work for a while and bloody hell I'm soooo bored".
The honey eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled that winning smile again taking in the dark eyed mans slightly flustered look.

"I've got an eye for detail, and a steady hand and this stuff looks fascinating".

Leaning across the table towards Nick he breathed out slowly, "I think this looks really interesting", he smirked with slight twitch of an eyebrow.

"Er, um, err.......Ok yeah sounds good when do you want to start?".

Nick looked down breaking the gaze that was making his palms sweaty again wiping his hands discreetly on his apron.

Gulping quietly he tried to compose himself, keeping his hands beneath the table to disguise the light shake.

"How about this evening, after closing?", Steve smiled again, his husky voice startling Nick out of his daze, "You could teach me a few things....... without interruptions", there it was, that cheeky wink again.

Nick's brows shot up, breath catching in his throat causing him to cough which embarrassingly turned into a coughing fit, shouting for Sasha to bring water Steve hauled himself out of his chair, limping round the table to pat Nick on the back.

"Oh fk I'm so sorry", gulping down a big mouthful of the water Sasha handed to him, Nick flushed like a teenager at the feel of the hand still on his back and the twitch it caused in his skin.

Pulling himself together once the cough subsided, Nick cleared his throat nervously.

"Sorry but I do need to get on now I have to start prepping for your sisters cake", he rasped clearing his throat again as the warm hand lifted away leaving a cold patch on his back and a sudden feeling of loss.

Steve nodded and limped to the door, "see you later then", smiling widely he waved as he left the room.

Waving him off at the door, grinning from ear to ear Sasha chirped, "come back at 6, that's when we close", Steve nodded, "thanks", and blushed as he limped off down the street.

Heading to the pub for lunch while he waited he decided he'd pick up some beer and snacks for later.

Humming as he wandered along, the feel of Nicks warm hand and firm broad back still lingered on his fingers.


Greeting him at the shop door with her coat on and ready to go home Sasha grinned widely, "go on through he's in the workroom".

"SEE YOU TOMORROW", she yelled out, "byeeee", came a faint reply from behind the door.

Popping his head round the workroom door making Nick jump at the intrusion Steve chuckled as the dark haired man gasped quietly, almost dropping the flower he was halfway through making.
"Oh shit, sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump", Steve limped over face dropping into an apologetic look, "did it break?", he nodded his head at the flower.

"No no it's fine, I just get tunnel vision when I'm working I didn't hear you coming", Nick breathed out in relief inspecting the flower in his hand then indicating to him to sit down.

"I bought beer and snacks".

Steve smiled as Nick nodded approvingly, setting down the flower and stretching himself out in his chair.

"Ahhhhhhh oooowwww", he grimaced as his back cracked sharply, "oooow I could use a break make yourself at home", clearing a space he accepted the cold can passed to him and popped it open.


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