Home from Home!

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"Ummm, Steve...".

Nick looked over nervously at his man, hoping that what he was about to say wasn't pushing things too far too soon.

"It's Saturday, the shop is closed tomorrow, would you...... like to....... err....... stay over, tonight?".

Falling over his words Nick knew he wasn't ready for the next step, but also didn't want Steve to go yet, he really wanted to just be held and fall asleep in his arms, wake up with him in the morning.

Steve smiled widely, "I'd love to, but...I.. I don't want you to think we need to have sex, I gave you a gift because I love you, not because I expect anything in return, you know......." he sighed.

"I love you so much already, I don't want you to feel pressured into sex or anything, but.... I really don't want to leave yet", smiling gently he once again took Nicks hands in his, "it would be amazing to wake up with you in my arms, I'd love to stay".

"That's what I want too, we can work on the rest later", Nick said softly, "I just need to be close to you for now, nothing else".


The light of the opening door broke through, breaking the sweet silence as Sasha popped her head round the door.

"Hey you two, it's been awful quiet in here, everything ok?", spying Nicks teary eyes and feeling the thickness in the air mingled with the aroma of sugar and fresh cake she smiled feeling the sweet love in the air.

"Everything's fine, completely wonderful" Nick grinned as Steve hugged him tight, "we're official Sasha, he said yes", Steve smiled the biggest heartiest smile feeling that his face may actually tear in half if he grinned any wider.

In a flurry of blonde hair a whirlwind flew across the room attaching itself to the two men and pulling them down to her height, planting a kiss on the cheek of each one she squealed, "I knew it, I bloody knew it, I'm so happy for you both", she gushed, "now I have two brothers from other mothers", she squeezed them both hard making them laugh.

"What a great day".

Sighing as she let go the woman turned to go, "I'll go close up Nick it's almost 2pm".

As the shop closed early on Saturdays Nick planned to spend the rest of the day with his new love, their first official day as a couple.

"Ok Sash don't worry we'll close up you get going", Nick pinched her cheek, "don't you have a date to get ready for?".

"Oh oh hell yes I better shift", the girl grinned.

"Hey hey hold on a minute", stepping forward Steve eyed the girl with a serious look, "a date?, hmmmmm, well as your newly appointed big brother from another mother I need to lay out some ground rules here", with an air of authority he walked up to the girl and looked down, big blue eyes looking back at him with an amused glint.

"Ahem, right, number 1. No kissing, number 2, No hugging, number 3. holding hands only, number 4. No alcohol, number 5. Be home by 10pm, and number 6. If he hurts you, I'll kill him!", he winked as the girl giggled at his serious face.

Bursting out laughing clicking her heels together Sasha gave an exaggerated salute, "sir yes sir", she barked then collapsed into giggles again.

"You two are crazy, great, but crazy, see you Monday", laughing at their smiling faces she made her way out of the door.


Meandering through town hand in hand ignoring the looks from some, Steve and Nick wandered down past the shopping centre and out onto the main street, small puddles from a short afternoon shower were drying out as the sun appeared through the clearing clouds.

Wandering in and around the shops picking up bits and pieces, toothbrush and shower gel, some lounge pants, t-shirts, boxers, socks and a new set of clothes for Steve the pair made short work of their shopping trip.

Steve, who obviously hadn't brought anything with him not knowing that he'd be staying over, smiled widely clutching the hand of his new love, excited at not having to spend another lonely night in his cottage.

Feeling like a kid in a sweet shop, his excitement showed on his face as he made his way round the shops, hand in hand with his partner.

'His partner'.

Steve loved how that sounded, playing around with their names in his head as he stood for a while just watching his beautiful man as Nick paid and wandered back his way.

Steve and Nick, Nick and Steve, maybe he could shorten it like the celebrities did, you know, like Brangelina.

Stick, Neve, Nive, Steck, no no no no, too silly, he shook his head.


A hand came into view waving in front of his face as he realised he was standing stock still staring into space in the middle of the shop, "oh...... sorry, I was away with the fairies, you got everything?",Steve smiled back as Nick laughed at his vacant expression.

Nick hummed a yes and nodded, "lunch at Spoons then home?", Steve nodded in agreement.
The Hatchet, Nicks favourite pub in the market square was quiet for a Saturday, ordering lunch and a pint each they settled in to wait.

"Nick, back there in the shop you said..... home, let's go home?!", Steve said quietly.

"Mmmmm, I did", reaching across and taking Steve's hand in his Nick smiled gently, "and I meant it, if you want it?, my place can be your home here in town, your second home if you like, I mean..... it doesn't have to be I just thought........".

Steves hand in his tightened as a thumb rubbed across his knuckles and those gorgeous eyes connected with his, "I would like that".

At that moment the waitress arrived with their food forcing them to part, chatting while they ate then raising their pints they chinked their glasses together.

"This just feels so right", Steve sighed.

"I know", Nick sighed back.

"To us", said Steve raising his glass .

"Yes, to us", Nick replied.

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