A Date!

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Having done the necessary, and changed into loose grey joggers and red t-shirt Nick made his way back downstairs hearing the kettle boiling in the back kitchen as the faint smell of coffee wafted through the air, "there's a fresh cup for you", Steve pointed to the table as Nick made his way back through the workroom door, "I hope you don't mind I was gasping for a cuppa".

Steve breathed out heavily as his gaze fell on the red haired man, taking in his broad chest and crazy semi long hair pulled back in a short ponytail.

The t-shirt was just tight enough to see a firm chest, the short sleeves showcasing the tattooed arms, flushing lightly feeling heat rise low down in his shorts he looked awkwardly away attempting to hide his growing interest.

"Wow, so, you live upstairs?", he looked towards the staircase through the open door breathing out hoping his pink cheeks would fade.

"That's a great idea, work right on the doorstep, no travelling, with the price of fuel these days, that's why I run a bike, I do have a car but in summer the bike is better, have you ever been on a bike?".

Realising he was babbling Steve closed his mouth looking rather embarrassed.

"Shall we start?".

The evening passed with small talk thrown to and fro, Steve was actually learning really fast, his nimble painters fingers worked well once he got the hang of things.
Soon enough a tray of fresh yellow and orange mini sugar paste daffodils sat between them.

Glancing at the clock Nick sighed a little disappointed when he saw it was getting late, he was loathe to let his company go, he really enjoyed having someone around and he had a good idea that Steve felt the same.

"So........." Steve began hesitantly, gazing at the other mans back as he washed up, "what do you do for fun, do you like eating out, cinema, pub?".
Nick chuckled as he dried his hands coming back from the sink.

"Why.......you asking me out on a date?", Steve's eyebrows shot up making Nick suddenly feel rather awkward, why had he said that?, what was he doing?, God he sounded desperate!.

Mentally facepalming himself Nick stuttered, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to assume........ honestly, I sound really stupid and desperate, I swear.....I'm not.....it's just......", he lowered his head as a flush caught his cheeks figuring it best he stop talking before he said something else daft.

Jumping slightly as a rough warm hand slid across his cheek and came to rest under his chin he felt his head lifting up to meet a pair of honey eyes.

He hadn't even realised the man had got up and come round the table.

"Yes, yes I am, if that's ok with you?".

Steves gentle voice calmed him nerves as a long low breath left his lips.

"There's a new movie out I'd love to share the back row with you", Steves breath caught his ear as the man landed a gentle kiss on his cheek, "see you tomorrow?", Nick nodded a little too fast as Steve grabbed his jacket and headed out the door he looked back with a gentle smile.

"Goodnight Mr Dance".

"Goodnight Mr Bailey".

Nick watched at the door as Steve climbed in to the waiting taxi and wound down the window, "I look forward to it" he smiled a huge genuine smile, "me too" sighed Nick as he watched the taxi drive away the mans face pressed against the window until the car went up over the railway bridge and out of sight.

Nick Dance danced, he literally danced around the shop as he locked up for the night, he felt so light then suddenly so heavy, stopping in his tracks he thought for a minute, shit, he actually had a date..... A DATE!!.

He hadn't been on a date since college, he'd been so focussed on his goals that romance had taken a back seat, so far back it was now in the boot of his car with the jump leads and spare wheel.

Wandering back into the workroom Nick plonked himself down on the chair Steve had been sitting on as his eyes travelled to the table, on a small piece of rolled out icing left behind was a painted number, a mobile number, an 'S' beneath it and a kiss.
With shaking hands he saved the number then sent a text.

Unknown number: Hey, it's Nick ☺️

Steve: Hey, I really enjoyed this evening.

Nick: Me too 😄

Steve: Same time tomorrow then?⌚

Nick: Yeah, sorry, short replies, I'm a bit nervous🥺

Steve: ☺️☺️ you're sweet. Til tomorrow then?! Night x

Nick: Night 😴

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