Texts and Memories!

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Nick looked over at his phone as a text pinged seeing Steves name appear on the screen he hurriedly picked it up:

Steve💙: Hey handsome, how's it going? You missing me?

Nick💜: Hey, of course I'm missing you, had any good showers lately? 😜😜

Steve💙: Oh yes, had one this morning, hmmmmm, sweet thoughts😚😚

Nick💜: Shameless 😱

Steve💙: But you love it 😚

Nick💜: How's the work going, when will you be back?

Steve💙: Three more days, work is going good, can't concentrate though, too busy thinking of you 🤪

Nick💜: Don't fall off any more ladders, I want you back in one piece and ready for action 😜

Steve💙: Whoa steady there stud, it can wait for the right time ☺️

Nick💜: Eh? Oh my days, Steve, I meant your sisters cake you bad bad man 😑

Steve💙: 😜😜😜 I know I know, I just love thinking of you blushing, you look so hot when you're flustered, hmmmmm, can't wait to see you, ALL of you ☺️☺️😜

Nick💜: Steven Bailey!! 😱, I'm gonna sign off now before I get myself into a "shower incident" again, somehow I don't think cold water will cut it this time😰

Steve💙: Ooooh stop, I'm gonna go to sleep now before it becomes impossible, don't think my work mates would appreciate me having phone sex at 11pm 😆😆😆

Nick💜: Ok, ride carefully on your way back, I want you back in one piece😚

Steve💙: Oh I will, I can't wait to give you my "one piece" 😜😜

Nick💜: SMH 🤤 you're a bad man, but....... I Love You ☺️☺️

Steve💙: And I love you, see you soon 😘

Putting down his phone the smile on Nicks face was so wide it hurt his cheeks, he'd been lonely this past few days since Steve had gone back to work.

Steve being on site meant he hadn't been able to see him at all, relying on text messages to keep his heart happy.

The job wasn't that far away, only one county over but the early starts meant staying on site made more sense but only 3 more days and he'd be back, Nick smiled and hummed happily to the soppy song on the radio as he got ready for bed.


Going over the past week and a half in his head Nick couldn't believe how fast his life had turned around.

Against all odds he'd found someone, well, that someone had found him.

Thinking on it he had Mrs Nasty Smell to thank for meeting Steve, if it hadn't been for her coming into his shop that day with her nasty attitude he wouldn't have met her son.

How was he falling so deeply and so quickly?, Was it all real?, deciding not to question he resolved to just be happy and let himself relax into it and enjoy it.

His last relationship in college had ended pretty badly with his then boyfriend secretly getting married to a girl when supposedly on a lads weekend away.

Nick had always known Rob was bi, but he'd sworn to Nick that he was his one and only and Nick had fallen in the deep end only to be cruelly played, used, a means to an end, free sex on tap, one last fling before the other settled down with his wife.
The betrayal had wrecked him so he'd plunged himself into his college course swearing to steer clear of any relationships, determined to focus on his dream.

A few casual encounters had failed to come to anything so he'd given up on ever finding the right one, or any one for that matter.

Until Steven Bailey had walked into his shop.


Resting with his hands behind his head Steve smiled softly as he recalled the face of his new love, the beautiful man he'd fallen for completely.

Looking across the caravan at his sleeping workmates he wished he was with Nick, cuddled up in bed.
His imagination would suffice for now though as he wanted to go slow, only meeting in the shop or outside, in the pub, maccas, or for walks along the canal, Nicks flat for now was out of bounds knowing that if he got that close and that comfy he'd be tempted to do more.

Steve was happy with just spending time with his new love, wanting to get this one right he was in no rush just loving savouring his time with the red haired tattooed man he'd grown to love so much.
Although he was cheeky and smutty he wasn't a player, he was prepared to wait because Nick was special and no way was he going to mess this up.

His previous relationship had ended with the death of his lover, a random accident on a dark wet country lane 4 years previous.
After coming out to his parents to be with the man he thought he'd spend the rest of his life with, facing the rage of his mother, her already 'imperfect' son being gay as well he'd taken solace from his father and sister, and his partner.

It had been a rocky pairing though, constant arguments, repeated cheating by his partner culminating in a massive fight one dark stormy night, having driven away too fast in a temper his then partner had skidded then rolled the car and hit a tree.

Having spent years feeling guilty he'd finally put the hurt behind him with the support of his father and sister and decided to just stay single and enjoy his freedom.

Until the day he'd laid eyes on Nicholas Dance.

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