Never Letting Go!

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Having checked him over the doctor declared Steve fit to leave the next day, just wanting him to stay in one night to be sure he could walk, although his legs were unmarked they'd taken a bit of a beating during his jump and roll so there was still a chance of shock setting in.

"Will there be someone there with Steve when he gets home?", the doctor questioned as he looked over Steves notes one more time.

Nick, Chloe, Zak and Hugo all looked at each other.

"He'll come home, with me, if that's ok with you two?", Nick glanced at Chloe and Hugo who both nodded, "that's fine, absolutely fine", Hugo smiled with relief, not that he wouldn't have helped his son in a heartbeat, he would've, but his living situation wasn't ideal.

"The boat isn't really suitable and I doubt he'd want to be with his mother right now and he can't stay alone at the cottage", Hugo placed a hand on Nicks shoulder, "besides, I know there's nowhere else he would want to be!", he sighed happily, "welcome to the family Nick".

"Steve we'll see you tomorrow ok, we're booked in at the hotel down by stadium we'll be back as soon as we're allowed in the morning, you rest ok?!".

Chloe hugged him tight, "I'll give you two a minute".

Nick nodded as Steve thanked his sister, "thanks Chloe".
As the door closed the lovers fell into a kiss, a long, soft, meaningful connection, Nick swore he could hear his baby sister squeal, cheering and clapping, "Yay, I love you Nick".


"Sash put the kettle on and crack open the jaffa cakes we're on the way home".
A squeal came over the phone as Nick held it away from his ear, laughing at Sashas excitement, "oh my god, I'm so happy my brothers are coming home, oh my god, shit, jaffa cakes, have I got time to pop to the shop?".

Nick, Steve, Chloe, Hugo and Zak all laughed as Sashas bubbly voice came over the speaker, ear splittingly joyful and very loud.

"Yeah, close the shop for today it's fine" Nick laughed, "we're about three miles away, I've got my keys, go girl, bring me jaffa cakes".

The smell of rich coffee washed over them as they stepped through the shop door, just happy to be home.
By the smell of it Sasha had dug deep and splashed out on the finest coffee she could find, only the best in this establishment.

The workroom sparkled as clean as the day it had first been fitted out, the kitchen was gleaming.
Sashas nerves had kept her going while she'd waited for news and she'd cleaned cleaned cleaned to take her mind off the events of the past two days.
Flying at Nick grabbing him in a huge hug, pulling Steve in she kissed them both on the cheek.

"Ummmm hey Sasha, what a lovely welcome", Steve smiled in surprise as the girl pulled away grinning, realising they were not alone she looked around and suddenly felt rather daft.

Chloe, Hugo and Zak looked on with amused smiles as she nervously waved to Chloe casting a questioning look at the men beside her.

"Hi Sasha this is my dad", laughed Chloe as Hugo stuck his hand out and gave Sasha a light handshake as she blushed from head to toe totally embarrassed at her sudden outburst at the sight of Nick and Steve.

"And Zak, my fiancé", Zak gave a wave in Sashas direction.


Hugo raised an eyebrow.

"Ummm, ........I've kind of........
adopted Nick and Steve", Sasha said in a small voice as she smiled up at the two men each side of her, "I'm an only child and Nick has been so good to me, and Steve, they're like....... Brothers!".

In the workroom Chloe and Zak gazed in awe at their completed wedding cake, as Nick slipped it back into the box for safety Zak patted Nicks shoulder.
"That is brilliant, truly awesome, I knew you could do it, you've really found your calling!".

Turning to Sasha he smiled, "you have to come on Sunday, I insist, WE insist don't we Chloe", the woman nodded, "fuck yes, oops excuse my language, sorry dad", she giggled, Hugo looked over with a grin waving her concerns away, just that once he couldn't have cared less that she swore, he was too happy to let it bother him.

"Bring a plus one if you have one!", Chloe winked.


Taking their leave with Steves keys to the cottage Chloe, Zak and Hugo headed back to Steves lonely cottage to collect some stuff for his stay.

Sasha set about locking up the shop as Nick and his love made their way back up to the flat.

As Nick helped Steve up the stairs to the flat and set him down on the sofa he felt so comfortable, kneeling in front of Steve to slip his shoes off he sighed, allowing himself a little satisfied smile.

Steve looked down at his love with a twinkle in his honey eyes.

"Hey steady on Prince Charming, down on your knees there it looks like you're proposing to me", he coughed slightly, throat still tight from the dryness of the hospital air.

Slipping his shoes off Nick sat back on his heels looking up at the man with searching eyes.

"Would you say yes?".

Tilting his head to one side he gazed straight into those honey eyes, Steve gazed back as his words caught in his throat, the emotion of the moment bringing tears once again to his eyes, could he seriously cry more than he already had?.

"Yes Nick I would, I'm never letting you go again".

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