Family Ties!

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"I do".

Zak repeated the final part of the vows placing the ring on Chloe's finger as the registrar pronounced them man and wife.

The whole place erupted into cheers and applause as the bride and groom shared a lingering kiss, Steve almost crushing Nicks hand he was so happy, his sister was married to a good man, his dad was closer to him now after his accident, he'd gained a family, Linda, James and of course his Guardian Angel Nicks sadly departed baby sister Katherine.

Even his 'little sister' Sasha, who was dating his old school friend had become an essential part of his life.

He'd finally, finally told his bitch of a mother exactly what he thought of her, broken any connection that may have remained between them and he was happy with that.

But best of all he had found a man, a man he adored, a man that swept him away, a man that he never ever wanted to lose, Nicholas Dance, Nick, HIS Nick.

The past three weeks had seemed more like a year, he hadn't even known it was possible for someones life to change so quickly and completely but he was a believer in fate, he believed he'd met Nick for a reason, he believed Katherine saved him because he and Nick were meant to be.


As the photographer dragged everyone in for one pose or another, hilarity ensued as people pulled silly poses and even sillier faces, family shots and shots of the beautiful bride and groom.
Zak looking amazing in his dark blue suit with yellow shirt, Chloe looking radiant in her champagne straight simple shift dress, hair piled up, a single strand tiara atop her head with just a few stray curls falling round her face.

Corinne Bailey however had mysteriously disappeared straight after the ceremony, slipping out from her seat right at the back where she'd sat nervously too scared to face her son again, the son she feared she had now lost forever.

In traditional fashion a crowd gathered as Chloe stood on the balcony overlooking the garden preparing to throw her bouquet.

"3-2-1" the crowd chanted.

As the bouquet flew high into the air, Nick felt Steves hand leave his and as if in slow motion guests scattered, drinks spilled, as the man in the blue shirt ripped through the crowd leaping like a professional basketball player his one useful arm at full stretch swiping the bouquet clean out of the air, landing perfectly spinning around and bowing low to the cheering crowd.

Once the fuss had died down he sauntered back to his man who was shaking his head and chuckling to himself as Steve handed him the slightly bedraggled arrangement.

Slipping his arms round the mans waist he drew him in, "if this is your way of proposing then what can I say, but yes?!" Nick pressed his lips onto his lovers in a deep, deep kiss, tongues dancing together.

Steve slipped his useful arm around and squeezed his mans bum pulling him towards him, melding them together.
A groaning Nick pulled away first.

"Steve ooooh Steve I'm heading into a shower situation here, we can't do this now as much as I want you", "I know" whispered Steve with a slight tremor in his voice "let's not steal thunder, I'll propose to you properly another day, ooooh Nick I love you so much".

The cake was a huge hit, Nick gained a lot of potential customers and it tasted amazing if Nick did say so himself.

Seated on a round table with his second family around him, Steve, Hugo, Sasha and Jase, he felt fulfilled, complete.


The disco thumped, coloured lights dancing with the beat as the bride and groom swept around the dance floor gracefully, Sasha and Jace sat away from the crowd chatted to some of the other guests.

Hugo, Linda and James reminisced, laughing and chatting, Hugo looking like a new man.
He'd gained a whole new energy, swaying as he stood up taking the hand of the woman he'd been sitting with while chatting to his old friends.

Steve watched his father, half cut, strutting his funky stuff with barely concealed amusement as Hugo actively flirted with the woman, turns out she was Zaks boss, a spinster in her late 50s, ample figure, around 5ft 6, with shoulder length grey hair cut in a neat bob, a wide smile, bright blue eyes, a laugh like bells ringing and some wicked dancefloor moves.

The total opposite of his ex wife.

All in all it had been one hell of a day.

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