Wedding ready!

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Nick and Steve settled in to a routine, having closed the shop for a few days Nick relished his time alone with his new love, there were no urgent orders and the shop did need a stock take and clean and Sasha was still coming in to help out.

In between the shop and the flat Steve adjusted to having only one useful arm, fortunately it was his left out of action not his right which meant he could still make coffee, wash and most importantly (in his view anyway) cuddle up to his man on the sofa.

Sleeping was a little difficult but if he propped his cast on a pillow he could sleep ok even though waking up with pins and needles in the morning wasn't great, Nick was always ready with soft warm hands and a blissful shoulder massage.


Sunday dawned, not too hot, golden rays beaming through the windows of the flat as Steve and Nick were busy getting ready.

Personal washes just weren't cutting it any more for Steve, he was a tad ripe and that crazy hair desperately needed a good wash.

Standing in the shower stall with his plastered arm stuck out away from the water flow and his free hand against the wall to steady himself, Steve sighed heavily as Nick soaped him up and down and washed his hair.

Although they were both naked for the first time in each others presence there was no awkwardness, it was like they'd been together for years.

Wrapping a towel around the mans waist and helping him out of the shower, drying him off and handing him his electric shaver, Nick pressed a sweet kiss to Steves pink cheek.

"I love you Steve, so much", the smiling dark chocolate orbs closed as a gentle kiss landed on his forehead.

"You're perfect Nick, just perfect", Steve breathed out heavily as Nick blushed.

Helping his man dress in black suit trousers and blue shirt with the sleeves folded up to accommodate his cast,  Nicks smile only grew wider as he tied Steves yellow tie and fixed his hair.
Gazing with love at the man fussing around him Steve still couldn't believe he'd been so lucky, Nick in his charcoal grey trousers with yellow shirt and blue tie looked so good, and he was his all his.

The red dye in Nicks hair was growing out and his natural conker brown roots were getting long, with it pulled back into a slick ponytail Steve thought he looked just fucking edible.

"I think you'll pass".

Nicks deep voice broke the hour long silence as he eyed his handiwork, "give us a twirl then", Steve turned slowly round holding out his arms as best he could, still a tad unsteady.

"Gorgeous", Nick breathed out, "if you were a cake I'd be licking icing off my fingers right now", he smirked.

"Hey, if I was a cake I'd be a cream horn, horny for you to taste my cream", Steve grinned ear to ear as Nicks jaw dropped with a shocked expression.

"STEVEN BAILEY, OH MY.... THAT'S THE WORST ONE YET!", Nick flushed as bright as he ever could, "what the fuck?....... Oh if only I could hit you right now I'd beat your arse!".

Steve turned and wiggled his neat round backside, "ooooh do it do it please spank me!", he laughed.

So Nick did, he slapped him right on the arse collapsing into laughter at the sight of Steves face of mock ecstacy.

Slipping a hand in his pocket as Steve turned back to face him, Nick lifted Steve's hand and placed a small box on his palm and prised open the lid.

In the box lay an exact replica of the tiny fossil Steve had given him, using his modelling skills, and the original as a mold to cast a resin replica Nick had painted it to match his exactly.

"Put it on for me", Steve whispered with glistening eyes, stepping around behind his love Nick fastened the chain being careful not to catch the ends of the crazy hair that now fell slightly over Steves collar.

"Oh, and a cream horn isn't a cake it's a pastry, my favourite actually", Nick licked Steves ear, feeling his love shiver he grinned then planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Come on horny, let's go".

Going down through into the workroom they met Sasha who was waiting to help Nick get the cake into the car.

After setting up the cake at the hotel they were heading to the pub with Nicks parents  for lunch, where Sashas plus one would meet them before the wedding at 3pm.

"Sash you look amazing, I nearly didn't recognise you without your jeans and t-shirt and the messy bun".

Steve whistled, "if I wasn't mm mm", he winked at Nick as the man laughed, "Sash, you really do look amazing".

Sasha smiled, with her blonde hair falling in soft waves over her shoulders, light make up, simple little black dress flared at the hem, and cream over jacket finished off with low black heels she really did look picture perfect.

"Thanks guys you look perfect both of you, even the cast matches", Steve grinned as Nick patted the blue bandage.

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