The Day Of Christmas!

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The kids and Connor were crashed on the sofa watching the Muppets Christmas Carol, as old as it is it was still a family favourite.

Dancing in their seats as they sang along to all the songs Linda, James, Hugo, Mary, Chloe and Zak watched with wide smiles while Nick and Steve busied themselves preparing Christmas dinner in the kitchen.

Wandering in James and Hugo could hear the pair humming away to themselves as the songs from the movie filtered through the open door.

"Need any help in here?", James peered over Nicks shoulder as he stirred the bread sauce slowly, a sneaky finger making its way to the pan, only to get slapped away by a laughing Nick.

"Dad, really?, haven't you learned yet?, you know mum hates you doing that!".

James laughed, "yeah but you're not your mum are you?!".

"MUUUMMMM", Nick shouted, only to be poked in the side by his dad, "ouch, hey, I almost dropped that", he scolded.

Steve was busy basting the turkey before it's last half hour in the oven while Nick saw to the smaller bits and pieces.
"Smells wonderful guys", Hugo sniffed the air, "Mary is so looking forward to this I don't think she's ever had a big family dinner", Steve smiled at that comment.

Sitting down at the beautifully laid table James and Hugo watched their sons flit to and fro, their teamwork was amazing, it flowed like water in a flat river bed, smoothly and soundlessly.

Finally sat down to rest next to their dads Steve raised an eyebrow at his husband, "what's up?, you two normally stay well away from the kitchen", Nick chuckled "or are you getting Muppet fatigue? Hahaha".

Steve laughed and grabbed his glass of wine, draining it.

"How many times have they watched that now?, Three?, Four?".

"Connor doesn't seem to mind", Nick smiled as he peered through the door watching the lad singing along with his cousins.

Faith and Sam had happily agreed for Connor to be with his father and Nick and his newly found family that year, they were going to Faiths parents, then Sams parents.
Although they knew Connor didn't mind going it did get a bit dull for the young man and they knew he'd love to be with the younger ones this time, and of course his father and step dad.

"He's a great kid Steve".

Hugo smiled as Steve smiled proudly back.

"I know you didn't, you know, raise him, but he's so like you in so many ways", Steve looked sad at the reminder, that he'd missed 18 years, "he's a good soul, he's kind, helpful, a little crazy, but he's got such a big heart, you only have to see him with Jazz and Joe to see that", Hugo continued.

"That crazy hair definitely came from you though", James pointed at Steves unruly honey bed head as Steve bent down and peered into the glass of the oven door running his fingers through his tousled locks.

"Crazy hair?, What crazy hair?", he stuck his head up again as the three laughed, Steves hair was stuck up everywhere, in every direction possible, the dampness of the humid kitchen air holding it in place.

"You bloody dimwit", Nick laughed, ruffling his hair back to its original bird nest state.

"No seriously Steve he really is a wonderful kid, I'm proud to call him my grandson, and you look so happy", his dad patted his shoulder, "and Nick, he's lucky to have you too, you're a great husband to my son".

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