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Nick paced the workroom as Steve sat in a chair staring across the table, unable to speak he simply stared at the lad sat opposite who was looking very very uncomfortable.

Nick was angry, very angry.

"What the fuck Steve?, why the hell didn't you tell me?, ten years we've been together, ten bloody years, and you kept this from me?".

Pacing to and fro Nick didn't know what to do with himself.

"I didn't fucking know Nick, how many times, I didn't know!"

Steve watched his husband with a strained look on his face.

"Oh like you didn't know you had a kid Steve do me a favour, that's not something you just forget about!".

Stopping his pacing Nick, arms crossed glared at his husband who glared back, red faced.


For the first time ever Steve yelled at Nick in anger, stunning the other man into silence, "YOU CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE YOUR OWN HUSBAND?, I'M TELLING YOU I DIDN'T KNOW"!, Steve slammed a fist on the table.

Nick froze.

He and Steve never argued, ever, and he actually didn't know what to do next, the air in the room laying thick with tension as they just stared at each other, neither wanting to give way.

A small voice broke the silence, the voice of the lad sitting the other side of the table who'd been nervously watching the two men argue, feeling that he really shouldn't have come.

He should've stayed away he thought, feeling guilty as the pair stared each other down, but he'd wanted to see his father, and now he could, and was here, he just wanted to know who he was.

"It's true".

Nick broke the stalemate and looked over at the lads pleading eyes.

"He really didn't know, he wasn't allowed to know", the lad gulped a bit on the last few words, suddenly remembering that his mum had said not to disclose that information, oh well too late now.

Steve joined Nicks stance as he too turned to look at him with a questioning face.

"Please, stop fighting, please, I never meant to cause trouble", the lad sniffled.

"I'll go now, I-I-I just wanted to see who my father was I never meant to cause trouble!", he repeated.

Getting up and heading for the door only to be stopped by Steve, holding his arm in front to block him his scared eyes locked with Steves as the older man narrowed his.

"What did you mean I wasn't ALLOWED to know?".

By now Steve was trembling so much that Nick thought he would break down, "WHAT DID YOU MEAN?", the poor lad jumped as Steve shouted straight in his face.

Grabbing him and pulling him back from the terrified teenager and pulling him into a bear hug Nick held his husband close while the still shaking teen looked on with a watery smile and tears in his eyes.

"I shouldn't have come, I shouldn't have come, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry".

Murmuring to himself he disappeared out through the workroom door.

Sitting Steve down in the chair Nick followed the boy out into the shop where he was now crying, shoulders hunched, sobbing hard, then wiping his face on his sleeve hurriedly when he saw Nick come out and close the workroom door.

"Is he ok?", The lad asked, "I really am sorry", Nick handed him a tissue from the box on the counter.

"'ve given him one fucking hell of a fright sunshine, what did you really expect?".

Nick was still pretty angry as the lad flinched a bit, "for him to just go oh hey son come on in sit down tell me where you've been for the past 18 years or so?", Nick shook his head.

"How did you really think that was going to go down?", the tall dark haired man sighed pulling his brows together between thumb and forefinger.

After a minute or so he looked back at the lad.

He actually felt rather sorry for him, he'd obviously not thought much about what he was doing and ploughed on in there without even thinking of the consequences, he looked so vulnerable at that point.

Nick sighed, letting the tension melt away as he breathed out heavily.

"Look, he's in shock right now and if I'm honest so am I".

Nick tried to smile reassuringly with a pat on the lads shoulder, "give him time, he just needs time".

"Leave me your number and your name and I'll be in touch ok ".

A look of relief passed across the younger mans face as his shoulders dropped, Steve and Nick had been rather intimidating and he'd fully expected to be told to get lost,

"Thank you, I really appreciate it", the teen said as he wiped a few stray tears.

"Are you, really......... like, properly married, you two?", he looked curiously at Nick.

"Yes we are", Nick smiled and raised his left hand, showing his rings, "as the shop sign says Mr Steve & Mr Nick Dance, is there something wrong?", tilting his head to one side he studied the lad.

"No, no, it's pretty cool actually", the lad smiled momentarily then it dropped, "I better go".

Eyes drifting to the workroom door that was still firmly shut and handing over a scrap of paper to Nick with the name Connor Williams, and a mobile number on, the lad sniffled.

"Mr Dance, I'm really sorry I upset er.....Mr Dance, I really didn't intend it to come out like that, but he needs to know the truth and I need to know my dad", he sighed heavily.

"Even if he doesn't want to know me afterwards can you please ask him to at least hear me out, and my mum too!".

Nick nodded.

"I'll try, I'll speak to him when he's calmed down a bit and let you know ok, oh by the way, who is your mum?".

Nick felt that Steve should at the very least know the name of the girl he'd allegedly got pregnant 19 years ago before he did anything else, so he could know what he was dealing with.

"Faith, she was Faith Jones back then, Williams now, I took my step fathers name when he married mum".

Nick nodded as he pocketed the piece of paper taking another look at the lad who still looked like a little lost boy as he showed him to the door.

Closing it behind him he locked it and went back to his husband.

Steve, still in a daze was hunched over, arms folded over his head with forehead resting on the table, pulling up a chair Nick sat beside him pulling him up gently, gathering him into his arms.

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