🔞First Time!🔞

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Groaning as they kicked off their shoes and staggered through to the bathroom Nick and Steve quickly brushed their teeth then shuffled back to the bedroom, turning off the ceiling light Nick flicked on his bedside light, the soft glow calming his aching head and his tired eyes.

It had been an amazing, emotional roller coaster of a day, they were exhausted but also elated, their bond had become even more real being there with their families and their closest friends.

Nick helped Steve out of his formal clothes carefully pulling his shirt sleeve over his cast as Steve shook off his trousers, flicking them over to Nick who caught them and folded them with the rest of the clothes.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he hooked his big toes one by one into the cuffs of his socks and pushed them off wiggling his toes in relief as the cool air hit his feet.

Sat in just his red boxers Steve felt he should cover up he didn't want Nick to think they had to do anything so he grabbed his t-shirt and started to put it on, he'd learned ways around having a cast on his arm and was getting pretty quick at doing stuff by himself although he did still let Nick fuss over him from time to time, soaking up the attention.

Having just got his head in the shirt he felt a hand gently pull it away again, lifting his head he found himself gazing up into the eyes of the beautiful man he called his own.

Nicks eyes were telling him......he wanted more.

Scooching himself back up the bed until he was leaning against the headboard propping a pillow behind him Steve breathed heavily as Nick crawled up the bed and positioned himself across his lap, taking Steves hands in his being careful not to overstretch the arm with the cast.

With a serious look and a deep breath Nick gazed at him, "Steve, can we.....?, I mean, I want to....! only if you're ready too though, I won't be angry if you say no!".

Nick pulled at his bottom lip with his teeth nervously chewing slightly on his lip.

"Nick my wonderful Nick of course I want you, I want you every day, .... I was waiting for you to say yes, because I needed you to be sure!", Steve raised his good hand and stroked Nicks left arm tracing the outlines of his tattoos.

Nick sucked in a breath as the tender touch ignited a flame, leaning his head back he groaned.

Steves left arm couldn't move much but as it rested against Nicks leg his fingers started to gently stroke the soft skin.

Pulling himself up to sitting using his good arm Steve sighed as Nicks arm came up and over his shoulder, Steve slid his hand round the mans slim hips, skimming his fingers along the edge of the mans boxers and slowly sliding his fingers under the elastic, finding the dip at the base of his spine and the crease between those peachy cheeks.

Rubbing his finger in gentle circles as the man arched his back pushing his chest further towards Steves face, Steve connected his lips to a hard nipple and sucked.

Nicks left arm which had been casually slung across his shoulder pulled him in even tighter, grasping the hair at the back of his neck as the tattooed man gasped, then moaned as his lover sucked and licked his chest, Nicks right arm stayed exactly where it was, resting on Steves cast and gripping tightly.

Feeling their hardening lengths connect through the fabric of the boxers, Nick ground his hips hard against the man below him causing him to yelp quietly and shudder against his chest.

Clutching the man to him, arm wrapped round his neck Nick rocked against him, overwhelming pleasure testing his senses to the limit as he moaned long and low.

Bucking his hips upwards as Nicks fingers dug into his back travelling down to massage his hip Steve gasped and moaned as sneaky fingers dipped under the elastic of his boxers, short nails running along the edge of the material making his skin twitch.

Rocking harder and faster the man beneath him shuddering Nick moaned, a desperate groan rising from within his very soul, Steve pressed against his chest panted and moaned softly, hot breath fanning out across his chest.

Looking down at Steve, Nick gazed at the honey eyes of his lover, glazed over, half closed, panting heavily matching Nicks heavy breaths, Steve gazed back into those chocolate eyes as fuzzy and as glazed as his own.

Drawing back and slipping off his boxers his now fully erect desire damp and throbbing, Nick helped to slide Steves pants off.
As his lover raised his bum off the bed slightly he relished the sight of the mans own length breaking free from its restraints, standing fully to attention, before returning to straddle the honey haired man once again.

Reaching for the bedside draw Nick reached out and pulled Steve's hand back, "I want you raw, I want to feel you skin on skin", Nick murmured pressing his forehead against his lovers, "would that be ok?", Steves muffled low breathy chuckle tickled his lips "it would be my pleasure".

Raising himself up on his knees Nick positioned Steve just right feeling the dampness already between his legs he sank down and swallowed his lover whole.

The gutteral groan from his lover made his heart thump and his muscles clench as Steve pushed hard up into him, hitting that sensitive bundle of nerves hard.

Nick gasped, loud, feeling every ripple, every twitch, every spasm, as he slowly rocked to match Steves deep thrusts, perfectly in synch.

Sitting himself up Steve pulled Nicks face down to his and connected their lips, Nicks dripping length trapped between them throbbed and jerked, his right hand still clutching the cast.

Feeling that telltale pull deep in his thighs, Nick rose up bringing himself right to the tip then sank down hard as Steve yelped, biting into his chest, one hard thrust, two, three, and their chemistry exploded.

With a desperate gasp Steve pulled him into a scorching kiss holding him tight as the explosion of their shared orgasm took them, hard.

Only when they reached that high did Steve release his love and bury his head in his chest, Nick grabbing the back of his neck pulling him in tight resting his chin on his honey hair now slick with sweat, breathing heavily through parted lips.

Juddering violently against him, matching his lovers shaky jerks, trembling all over, Steve whimpered, crying softly, Nicks husky moans travelling through his chest.

"Ooooh fuck, Nick", gazing up into eyes as watery as his own Steve sniffled, "I love you so so much".

The honey eyes held a love so deep and so pure that Nicks tears, which were drying, burst forth a second time as he cried and laughed and hugged his lover hard, "I love you, aaaah fuck, so damn much".

After a quick bathroom trip the lovers slid back into the warm bed, Steve laying flat with Nicks head on his chest.

Resting on his side, pressed against his lover with Steves good arm wrapped around him protectively, Nick was warm, comfortable and very deeply in love.

There was no need for words or actions as they drifted into sleep.

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