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"The way I see it is..... She's not going to give up easily so let's have some fun with it", Sasha smirked.

"Claire do you own a short skirt, heels and skimpy top?", Claire looked worried, "well yeah I do but what are you getting at Sasha?".
"We're going to make Nick Dance into a cheating playboy", Sasha winked, grabbing Claire by the hand and dragging her out the door, "we're going to Pageant", (party and fancy dress shop) she trilled as she waved a goodbye dragging the slightly terrified looking Claire behind her.

"Why do I have the feeling we're really gonna regret this?".

Nick sighed, Jase nodded and Steve just facepalmed.


Two weeks later:

Steve drove out of the cul-de-sac music blaring so as to be noticed giving Sasha a wave and a wide grin as she walked past.
Sasha couldn't have looked more different if she'd tried, red wig, tight black leather bodysuit, ridiculous heels and more make up than the cosmetic counter at Boots.

Tottering up to the front door of number 3 as Steves car disappeared she knocked, 'Miss Tease' opened it looking Sasha up and down with wide eyes taking in the sight of the leather clad woman with red hair.

"Hey Hun is Mr Nick Dance there?", Sasha whined in a nasal voice, "ummmm no, he lives next door at number 4", Miss Tease looked gobsmacked as Sasha drawled, "awwww thanks babe, these personal jobs are always a pain", hitching up her bra straps and chewing on her gum she sighed, "but the pay is awesome!", with that she tottered to Steve and Nicks front door trying her best not to fall over laughing.

Nick opened the door making a big play of crushing Sasha into a huge hug and pseudo smooch, whispering in her ear to stop laughing or she'd give it away, their positions angled just right so their onlooker saw exactly what they wanted her to see.

Pulling her into the house and slamming the door Nick collapsed with laughter, "hahahaha oh my god we're good", Nick texted Steve to let him know Sasha had been 'seen' as planned.
Sasha chuckled straightening her wig that had gone askew when she was pulled through the door.

Flinging the bedroom curtains closed with a flourish Sasha grinned as she peered through the gap, sure enough Miss Tease was out 'watering her plants', the ones that Steve had re-planted, and not so secretly basically staring at the house phone in hand snapping photos.

Two minutes passed and round the corner came Jase, car revving, music blaring, with a black haired scantily clad Claire, arm hanging out, fake tattoos on show, in the passenger seat, Sasha could see Jase grinning ear to ear as he and Claire whispered to each other.

Pulling up outside the house Claire oozed out of the door.

"Bye hooonneeeyyyy see you later mwah mwah", she drawled.

Jase leaned in to give the impression that he was kissing her, "she's looking, she's staring, go for it", he whispered as Claire laughed quietly.

Raising her voice she half shouted, "Yah baby, this one's a real babe, always up for a threesome!", tapping the roof of the car she strutted past Miss Tease and slunk in through the front door as it was opened by Sasha, collapsing in fits of giggles soon as the door closed behind her.

Phase two complete Jase texted Sasha to tell her he would be there in five minutes.
Parking the car around the corner out of sight he pulled off his hoodie revealing an open fronted bright red shirt, messed his hair up, threw on some mirror shades, jumped out, locked the car and strutted round to the house.

Miss Teases watering can had long since run dry as she now shamelessly stared at the house, specifically the main bedroom, her eyes nearly falling out as she clocked Jase strutting past pretending to be on his phone.

"Yeah hey sugar....... Got a job on right now, hhmmm, kinky guy...... wants a foursome, hahaha, .......I know right, well gotta blow, seeya!".

Trying not to burst out laughing as he heard the shutter sound of the phone camera as the woman crept along behind him thinking she hadn't been seen, Jase strutted up to Nicks front door and through it as Claire pulled it open.

Nicks phone rang, he slid the icon up Steves voice coming through the speaker.

"Hey handsome how's it all going?, did she get an eyefull?", "She sure did" they all laughed in unison, "right get the soundtrack on we recorded last week and turn it up loud and open the back doors, make sure she's in the garden first" Steve chuckled.

Nick and the others chased each other around the back garden shouting and laughing, "ooooh catch me you bad boy, spank me", "ooooh master punish me", screamed the girls as they ran bare foot across the grass.

Jase nudged Nick as he saw the mobile phone appear round the now slightly open gate, giving a nod the two men chased the girls back inside leaving the double doors open but pulling the thick long curtains closed.

On went the Bluetooth as Sasha connected her phone to the stereo and turned the volume up as the soundtrack Nick, Claire, She and Jase had recorded in the workroom after hours drifted out through the open doors.
It had taken hours to complete as Steve had to keep pausing the recording because they were all laughing so hard.

Oooohs, Aaaaahs, gasps, grunts, moans, drifted out across the lawn, and to Miss Teases waiting ears, with the curtains shut she couldn't see the four people curled up in fits of laughter on the sofas.

"Uh uh uh oh my god it's huge, give it to me, yeah just like that".

"Ooow hmmmm yeah baby right there.....".

The crack of a whip that was actually a plastic spatula slapped onto the workroom table.

"Ah ah ah oooooh yeah spank me you naughty man, ooooh yeah just like that".

The voices of the two men, loud and gruff.

"Oh yeah, oh man fill me up big boy, you're so stiff, so big".

"You're so tight, oh my god, sooooo tight, but so good, uh uh aaaah yeah do it".

"Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me hard".

Stunned and rooted to the spot Miss Tease moved closer to the open doors, eyes wide as she listened to the recorded sounds of ecstacy coming from within.

After about an hour the noise died down and the woman slunk away on tiptoes, hiding behind the half open gate.

Flinging open the long curtains Nick pulled at the waistband of his joggers as if redressing himself, knowing full well she'd still be watching.

Seeing the gate swing closed he grinned widely.

Leaving the house Jase shouted a goodbye to attract the womans attention again and strutted down the path, again on the phone.

"Hey babe, yeah.... he's always a good shag, yeah..... soon babe soon, see ya".

Back at the car he threw his shirt off and pulled on his hoodie, he brushed his hair, waited five minutes then drove the car round the corner back into the road sounding the horn loudly as he pulled up.

Sasha and Claire piled out of Nicks front door, shoes in hand and wigs askew as Nick stood in the doorway still dressed in joggers and no top.

Hanging out of the windows blowing kisses at him the girls sailed off down the road out of sight.

Blowing exaggerated kisses to them Nick went back inside.

Nick texted Steve.

Get ready for the performance of a lifetime.

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